This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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House For Sale

価格: 980万円

Price: 980万円
Price is negotiable.

土地: 855.17m2, 坪: 259

Land Area: 855.17 square meters = 259 tsubo

建物: 92.0m2, 坪: 27.8

House Area: 92.0 square meters = 27.8 tsubo


We are selling our unique home located in the desirable Noma school district. This rare one story home is 3DK with a total building area of 92.0 square meters. The property is in a very private location with a total land area of 855.17 square meters. There is also a recreation and storage building, a gymnasium, a garage, a greenhouse, and plenty of room to grow your own vegetables. There is parking for at least 8 vehicles. The house has been recently painted inside and outside. All appliances are included making this house ready to move in now.


The property is located In the Takeyano community of the Noma district, approximately 2.5 kilometers (6 minute drive) from the center of Nakatane town. The house is located only 1.5 kilometers from Takeyano beach, a popular beach for surfers that also has tide pools for observing ocean creatures. The house is also located approximately 2.5 kilometers (6 minute drive) from Noma elementary school.
Directions to the House

Google マップには、中種子町の中心部から約 2.5 キロメートル (車で 6 分) の距離にある家への 3 つのアクセス方法が示されています。

The Google map shows three different ways to get to the house, all of which are about 2.5 kilometers (6 minute drive) from the center of Nakatane town.
General Information
  • 所在地:本物件は、中種子町中心部から約2.5km(車で6分)の野間地区竹矢野集落内に位置します。

    Location: The property is located In the Takeyano community of the Noma district, approximately 2.5 kilometers (6 minute drive) from the center of Nakatane town.
  • 土地面積:土地約855.17平方メートル、259坪。

    Land Size: The land is approximately 855.17 square meters, 259 tsubo.
  • 住宅の広さ:土地は約90.10平方メートル、27坪。

    House Size: The land is approximately 92.0 square meters, 27.8 tsubo.
  • 地形: 敷地内は平地です。

    Topography: The property land is level.
  • 造園: 敷地内にはビワの木が多く、ガーデニングをするスペースがたくさんあります。

    Landscaping: The property has many loquat trees and a lot of room for gardening.
  • 公共施設: この施設には公共の電気と水道、浄化システムが備わっています。数年前に、通りから家まで新しい飲料水路が設置されました。

    Utilities: The property has public electricity and water and a septic system. A new drinking line from the street to the house was installed a few years ago.
  • 建物: この物件には 5 つの建物があります。以下の物件地図をご覧ください。

    Buildings: The property has five buildings - please see property map below.
  • 家電製品: この家には次の家電製品が付属して販売されています。

    Appliances: The house is being sold with the following appliances:
  • 冷蔵庫:状態は良好で、約4年前のものです。

    Refrigerator: Good condition and about 4 years old.
  • 冷凍庫: 状態は良好で、約 4 年前のものです。

    Freezer: Good condition and about 4 years old.
Property Map

1 - 住宅:母屋は3DK、延べ面積約90.10平方メートル(27坪)。

House: The main house is a 3DK and has approximately 92.0 square meters (27.8 tsubo) total area.

2 - 木造建物: この建物は総面積約 44.7平方メートル (13.5 坪) で、現在レクリエーション ルームとして使用されています。

Wood Building: This building has approximately 44.7square meters (13.5 tsubo) total area and is currently being used as a recreation room.

3 - コンクリート建物:総面積約27.5平方メートル(8.3坪)の建物で、現在体育館として使用されています。

Concrete Building: This building has approximately 27.5 square meters (8.3 tsubo) total area and is currently being used as a gymnasium.

4 - 車庫: この建物の総面積は約 28 平方メートル (8.5 坪) で、車 1 台、トラクター 1 台を収容できるほか、倉庫としても使用できます。

Garage: This building has approximately 28 square meters (8.5 tsubo) total area and can fit one car, or a tractor, or be used for storage.

5 - 温室:総面積約8.5平方メートル(2.5坪)の建物で、様々な食材を栽培することができます。

Greenhouse: This building has approximately 8.5 square meters (2.5 tsubo) total area and can be used to grow a variety of food items.

6 - バーベキュー:木炭や木を使ったコンクリート製のバーベキュー。

Barbeque: A concrete barbeque that uses either charcoal or wood.

7 - 生息地: カメの生息地として使用されていた池のあるエリア。頂上には亀の足湯と鳥湯があります。

Habitat: An area with a pond that was used as a turtle habitat. There is a turtle foot bath and a bird bath at the top.

8 - 庭:野菜を栽培する場所。

Garden: An area for growing vegetables.

9 - 庭園: 野菜を栽培するためのもう 1 つのエリア。

Garden: Another area for growing vegetables.
Floor Plan


This is the floor plan for the house in Japanese.
Floor Plan


This is the floor plan for the house in English.


A few pictures at various times of the year.
Exterior Pictures
House Entry

これは数年前の家の玄関(上の地図の 1 番)の外壁リフォーム前の写真です。

This is a picture from a few years ago of the house entry (#1 on the map above) before the outside remodeling.
House Walkway

これは去年の夏の写真です。家の玄関までの通路です。生息地 (上の地図の 7 番) は左側にあり、庭園エリア (上の地図の 8 番) は右側にあります。この夏、家を涼しく保つ緑のカーテンとして、玄関と家の脇にゴーヤをたくさん育てました。

This is a picture from last Summer of the walkway to the house entry. The habitat (#7 on the map above) is located to the left and the garden area (#8 on the map above) is located to the right. This Summer we grew a lot of goya at the entry and along the house as a green curtain which kept the house nice and cool.



This is another picture from a couple of Summers ago of the walkway to the house entry. This Summer we were able to grow many vegetables and herbs. The soil is really good and herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers were not used on this property. Only cow manure and organic compost were used.
Herb Garden


This is a picture of the herb garden (#9 on the map above) in front of the house. We grew lemon balm, red shiso, green shiso, lemon grass, thyme, stevia, goya, and many other things.


This is a picture of the greenhouse (#6 on the map above) where we usually do vertical farming and grow many vines vegetables. We grew malabar spinach, luffa, and goya.

これは、コンクリート製で、コンクリートのベンチもあるバーベキュー施設 (上の地図の 8 番) の写真です。

This is a picture of the barbeque (#8 on the map above) which is made out of concrete and also has a concrete bench.

これは、レクリエーションやトレーニング用の体育館として使用されている建物 (上の地図の #2 と #3) の写真です。

This is a picture of the buildings (#2 and #3 on the map above) which are being used for recreation and as a gymnasium for working out.

これは、私たちが販売している 3 台のバスとガレージ (上の地図の 4 番) の写真です。バスの購入をご希望の場合は、次のリンクをクリックしてください。

This is a picture of the garage (#4 on the map above) along with the three buses we are selling. Please click the following link if you are interested in purchasing the buses.
Interior Pictures
ベッドルーム 1
Bedroom 1


This is the large bedroom looking out to the barbeque and garden area.
ベッドルーム 1
Bedroom 1


This is the large bedroom looking out to the recreation building and the greehouse.
ベッドルーム 2
Bedroom 2


This is the second bedroom looking out to the garage.
ベッドルーム 3
Bedroom 3


This is the third bedroom looking out to the yard and garden.


This is the hallway looking towards the second bedroom.
Entry Cabinet


This is the entry cabinet.


This is the toilet room with a bidet toilet and warming toilet seat.
Laundry Room


This is the laundry room with the newer sink unit.
Shower Room


This is the shower room.


This is the kitchen. The metal kitchen counter will be replaced with a new counter or the buyer can put in their own kitchen counter and we will discount the price of the property.