This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.

Agroforest Progress
Our progress from the beginning to the present in reverse chronological order.

Agroforest Location
The location of our agroforest on Tanegashima Island, Japan.

Agroforest Mission
Our progress from the beginning to the present in reverse chronological order.

Agroforest History
We had no idea of the deep history connected to our land.

Agroforest Challenges
A few of the many challenges involved with an agroforestry project.

Agroforest Camping
A tentative look at potential future campsites and hiking trails.

Agroforest Farming
An updated list of the food we are growing up in our agroforest.

Agroforest Definition
An overview of the concept of agroforestry.

Buddhist Farming
My attempt to apply the concepts of Buddhism to farming....a work in progress.
Farm equipment shovel hoe rake
Forestry Equipment
A few of the tools, and other things, I am using to work up in our forested mountain.
Farm plan upper upper making jaxa and nasa space exploration theme beds pattern and drainage
- Farming
Farm Plans
Three examples of unconventional farm plans for growing all kinds of veggies.
Farm beds finished front view
- Farming
Farm Beds
Three examples of conventional and unconventional farm beds.

Subtropical Calendar
A calendar and growing guide for farming in a subtropical climate.

Bamboo Uses
A bunch of different uses for bamboo in the farm and garden.
Vines jungle string
Vines Uses
A few uses for vines growing in the jungle behind the farm.
Composting pile materials green kitchen close up
Subtropical Composting
Techniques for composting in a very wet subtropical climate.
Farm plan lower making perimeter drainage
Farm Drains
The importance of a perimeter drain in a farm or garden and a couple of examples

Growing Bananas
We are growing many kinds of bananas in the middle of a mountain forest in a subtropical climate.
A Shout Out to Shawn James

Once we purchased our mountain wilderness property, it occurred to me that I was now thrown onto this long learning curve. The fact was, with the exception of several camping trips while living in California, I knew very little about actually living in the middle of a forest and knew even less about utilizing the available resources....ah the learning curve begins. I went online and found numerous sites talking about permaculture, agroforestry, and other related topics. The information was great, but at 61 years old and saddled with a hernia, a torn bicep, and rheumatoid arthritis (now mostly under control), I needed something or someone to inspire me to take on the incredible challenges of cabin building, self-sufficiency, and forest life in general. I watched a lot of videos, most with overreacting, and often obnoxious forest dweller wannabes, shouting over and over YOU CAN DO IT!!!! While they no doubt had good intentions, I quickly closed the windows and moved on to video after video basically finding the same sensationalization but with very little information. Then along came Shawn James, a soft spoken Canadian who escaped the overpriced, materialistic, corporate world to opt for a much simpler way of life in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. This guy has become an inspiration for me and the push I needed to take on this daunting project. Rather than go any further, please watch this video. He goes on a couple of rants about the obstacles of trying to be off-grid and what being a man is all about and I agree with every word. Continuing to look for another of his videos where he talks about how he was working a normal job and his progression from that to self reliance. Will post that video as well when I find it. Anyway enjoy.
Shawn James Update: I guess it had to happen eventually but Shawn James went commercial. A lot of product placement, podcasts featuring a specific product, and much more of a mainstream feel to his videos now. He used to be a regular watch for our family at night but now we no longer follow his videos. That said, the guy has an incredible skill set and is still doing amazing things and worth watching for those of you that can handle the excessively long videos and hint of commercialism.
Now Watching Kyle of KYLES CABIN

We looked around for someone who was off grid and building a cabin and we found this guy. Kyle is really simple in his approach to everything and completely unpretentious. His videos are usually about 15 minutes (often closer to 10 minutes) long and very much to the point. Anyway, for those of you living off grid, or building a cabin, you might wanna check out his YouTube channel.