This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.
Happy New Year

- Happy New Year Tanegashima.

After a blustery beginning of the year, temperatures warmed up....a lot....and we were able to do some fun and unusual things for January like a BBQ, playing at the beach, and even fishing.

Picture - A really nice and tasty BBQ earlier this month.

We are pretty much settled into the house now and looking forward to our first Spring and Summer on the island.

We are planning a lot for our three farms in the upcoming growing season.

And what? Shai is flipping the bird again.
- Facebook Post - sabbath candles.
Beach Day

- We went to our favorite restaurant and then headed to the beaches.

Picture - Jinanbo Restaurant - We went to our favorite restaurant today.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together 1.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together 2.
Picture - Rock Beach - Us hanging out together 1.
Picture - Rock Beach - Us hanging out together 2.
Picture - Rock Beach - Shai is enjoying climbing on the rocks.
Beach, BBQ and Fishing

- Hey can somebody please check the calendar? What?....this is January?

Yup it was plenty warm today. Actually warm enough for us to take the dogs to the beach, do a BBQ in tee shirts, and go fishing.

Picture - The doggies playing like crazy at Maenohama beach.

And what? Shai is flipping the bird again.

Picture - Maenohama Beach - Our dogs simply go crazy at this beach.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Doggies got wet and then dried in the sun.
Picture - Home - Today was warm enough for a January barbecue.
Picture - Home - This was a really beautiful day.
Picture - Home - We were able to drink cold beer outside in January.
Picture - Minamitane West Coast Pier #6 - We went fishing in January.
Picture - Minamitane West Coast Pier #6 - We were not able to catch anything but enjoyed the day anyway. And such a crazy face Shai is making.
- Facebook Post - ANOTHER CULTURAL EVENT - Tonight a bunch of guys from the neighborhood came to the house and sang a song to welcome in the New Year and wish for good things in the next twelve months. Then we were all invited to the community hall to eat and drink. This place totally rocks. A really nice night. Hey went fishing for a couple of hours this month already. Such an attitude from this little dude.

- Facebook Post - Actually first Sabbath of the new year.
Dog Blanket

- The dogs got a blanket to keep them warm today.

Picture - Home - The dogs and a blanket 1.
Picture - Home - The dogs and a blanket 2.
Picture - Home - The dogs and a blanket 3.
Picture - Home - The dogs and a blanket 4.
Veggies, New Calendar, and Hanging Out With Friends

- We keep getting a lot of produce from the neighbors. Really almost no need to go shopping in this place. We also received a town calendar loaded with important information. Then at night we spent a really nice evening with some friends which included a cool performance.

Picture - Home - We received a lot of vegetables once again from the neighbors in the house behind our place.
Picture - Home - This was a nice little small town touch. A town calendar was brought to the house after New Years.
Picture - Home - The town calendar is full of important dates like trash day and other pertinent information.
Picture - Home - A few friends came over for dinner tonight.
Picture - Home - Yup fun night with David, Shinya, and Ryu.
Picture - Home - Yeah learning the way to say hi to a surfer.
Picture - Home - Hey we even got a nice performance tonight.
Removed Tree

- Yeah the neighbors really pushed to get this tree out. The said it was ugly and had no value to the yard not to mention all the sticky things on the trunk.

Picture - Home - Moving a lot of soil to expose the roots.
Picture - Home - After a few hours of work the tree was finally uprooted.
New Shelves

- Actually began making a better study environment for Shai today.

Picture - Home - This is the study area for Shai for now.
Picture - Home - Bought new shelves for the closet.
- Facebook Post - Beautiful coastline close to the house.
Doggies Playing at the Rock Beach

- The doggies actually went to the rock beach close to the house for the first time today.

Picture - Minamitane West Coast Pier #6 - The terrain was a bit difficult to manage but they made it through.
Picture - Minamitane West Coast Pier #6 - Probably one of their favorite things to do is finding beach know, stuff the waves wash up on the beach. Then their next favorite thing is to pee on everything they find. lol.
Okonomiyaki Restaurant

- This is one of our favorite restaurants in Minamitane.

Picture - Yasu Bei Restaurant - Hey a picture of us with no beer. No way.
Picture - Yasu Bei Restaurant - Ah the beer showed up as usual.
More Produce

- Today our neighbors showed up with all these veggies. These folks are probably about the best around at producing good looking and great tasting produce. They even brought the stuff over washed and all ready to eat. What service.

Picture - Home - This particular selection included green peas, green onions, cabbage, and shitake mushrooms.