This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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Happy Birthdays

- This month is always a busy celebration time for this family with my birthday at the beginning of the month and Akiko celebrating her birthday at the end. We received a nice fish from the elementary school, but aside from that, it was pretty quiet.

Picture - Shai in his new bunk bed.
Daddy Birthday

- Thanks to my wife Akiko and my son Shai for making this a very special day.

Picture - Us together celebrating my birthday today.

Picture - Home - Us together on my birthday 1.
Picture - Home - Us together on my birthday 2.
Picture - Home - The birthday cake and presents.
Cooking Equipment

- Made a really nice food smoker made from sugi wood, Japanese cedar, and an outdoor barbecue out of rocks from the farm.

Picture - Home - Food smoker made from sugi.
Picture - Home - Barbecue made from rocks from the farm.
Nice Fish

- We received a nice tai fish from the elementary school where Shai is enrolled but not attending. Apparently this fish is to symbolize doing good in the coming academic year.

Picture - Picture of the fairly expensive tai fish.

Picture - Home - Package containing the tai fish.
Picture - Home - The tai fish ready to be cooked.
Picture - Home - The fish cooked and ready to eat.
Picture - Home - The other fish made a different way.
Small Party

- Today we smoked a bit of food to feed to the neighbors who came over for a small party tonight.

Picture - Home - A few pieces of chicken cooking in the smoker.
Picture - Home - A few pieces of chicken and cheese cooking in the smoker.
Picture - Home - The neighbors came to hang out tonight 1.
Picture - Home - The neighbors came to hang out tonight 2.
Dog Hair

- This is an incredible amount of hair which came from about 30 minutes of brushing the dogs today.

Picture - Home - A full bag of dog hair.
Nice Words

- Today was all about farming. Shai wrote some nice thoughts on the wall outside.

Picture - Nice word from our son Shai.

Picture - Home - A few acorns for cooking.
Picture - Home - A few pine cones for cooking.
Picture - Home - Garden hoe with the handle intact.
Picture - Home - Beautiful flowers growing at the neighbor house.
Picture - Home - A group of painted bamboo in hippie colors.
Picture - Home - Garden hoe with the handle removed.
Picture - Home - Shai wrote really nice thoughts on the wall outside.
Small Party

- We made a small party tonight. Actually not exactly sure about the date but close to this date.

Picture - Home - We made a small party for friends tonight 1.
Picture - Home - We made a small party for friends tonight 2.
Bunk Beds

- Akiko tried to make matzoh for Passover. A look at the new bunk beds.

Picture - Home - Akiko tried to make Passover matzoh today.
Picture - Home - Made bunk beds out of sugi wood, Japanese cedar.
Mommy Birthday

- Today we celebrated with Akiko on her special day.

Picture - Us together celebrating Akiko birthday today.

Picture - Home - Us together on Akiko birthday 1.
Picture - Home - Us together on Akiko birthday 2.
Going Bananas

- A huge group of bananas growing in the farm.

Picture - Home - A huge group of bananas growing in the farm.
Small Party

- We made a small party tonight. Actually not exactly sure about the date but close to this date. Friend and parent came over tonight

Picture - Home - We made a small party for friends tonight 1.
Picture - Home - We made a small party for friends tonight 2.