This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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Happy Birthday

- The highlight of this month was Shai turning seven years old. He made out pretty good this year with a lot of nice presents. We also went fishing for the first time with little Lael. We spent a lot of time at the beaches. We wrapped up the month with a trip to the Tanegashima Space Center.

Picture - Shai with his birthday cake.
Relaxing Baby

- The month began with the little guy relaxing on a camping chair.

Picture - Home - Lael hanging out and relaxing on a camping chair.
Fishing and Beach

- Today was the first time for little Lael to go fishing at the Tanegashima Space Center piers. We caught nothing but the scenery was beautiful as usual. Then in the afternoon it was his first time at the space center beach. We went body boarding and enjoyed the warm weather.

Picture - Us at the Tanegashima Space Center beach.

Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Pier - Us before fishing 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Pier - Us before fishing 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Hanging out at the beach 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Hanging out at the beach 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Hanging out at the beach 3.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Hanging out at the beach 4.
Independence Day

- We spent a really quiet Independence Day at home and made a nice barbecue in the afternoon.

Picture - Home - Us hanging out together.
Picture - Home - Us hanging out together.
Kiku Ryokan

- We went to visit the owner of the Kiku Ryokan where Akiko had her work space before.

Picture - Kiku Ryokan - Saying hi to a friend.
Celebrating Tanabata

- We celebrated the Japanese holiday of Tanabata today and put up a decoration in our home.

Picture - Home - A nice Tanabata decoration.
New Tent, Storm Chasing

- We set up our new camping....beach tent in the living room as a test run. Then I went storm chasing with Shai. We went to Maenohama beach in the middle of torrential rains compliments of distant typhoon Nepartak.

Picture - A bit of storm chasing together.

Picture - Home - Nice new beach tent.
Picture - Home - Flooded out upper farm.
Picture - Maenohama beach - Me and Shai storm chasing at the beach picture 1.
Picture - Maenohama beach - Me and Shai storm chasing at the beach picture 2.
Picture - Maenohama beach - Pretty good waves from the storm.
Small Party

- Today was both interesting and fun. We thought there was a tornado forming in the morning. Then we made a small party with our friends at night.

Picture - Us hanging our with our friends.

Picture - Home - A possible tornado forming 1.
Picture - Home - A possible tornado forming 2.
Picture - Home - A bug on top of a hermit crab.
Picture - Home - Shai hanging out with Satoshi on the bunk beds.
Picture - Home - Us hanging out with Oyabing and Yocci and kids 1.
Picture - Home - Us hanging out with Oyabing and Yocci and kids 2.
New Tent

- We went to the Tanegashima Space Center beach to give the tent a good test run. This thing was about 80 bucks and sets up in a matter of minutes.

Picture - Us with the new tent.

Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Us with the new tent 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Us with the new tent 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Us with the new tent 3.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Us with the new tent 4.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Really nice waves today.
Going Away Party

- Today we made a going away party with Emily for David, who is returning to America.

Picture - Home - Hanging out together with friends today 1.
Picture - Home - Hanging out together with friends today 2.
Hanging Out

- Many friend spent the night and we all had breakfast together.

Picture - Home - Hanging out together with friends again today 1.
Picture - Home - Hanging out together with friends again today 2.
New Friend

- Shai got himself a girlfriend at the beach today. lol.

Picture - Hamada Beach - Shai playing with a girl in the sand.
Night Picnic

- A nice night and a relaxing barbecue picnic outside.

Picture - Home - Us making a nice picnic outside tonight 1.
Picture - Home - Us making a nice picnic outside tonight 2.
Picture - Home - Us making a nice picnic outside tonight 3.
Happy Birthday Shai

- Shai turned seven years old today and was really happy to get all these nice presents. A few lego sets, a microscope set, and a few study books. We ate lunch and dinner outside and ate smoked food. At night we ate a delicious cake which Akiko made.

Picture - Shai with his birthday presents.

Picture - Home - Shai before opening his presents.
Picture - Home - Shai after opening his presents.
Picture - Home - The smoked food we ate for lunch.
Picture - Home - Us eating outside this afternoon 1.
Picture - Home - Us eating outside this afternoon 2.
Picture - Home - Us eating outside this afternoon 3.
Picture - Home - Us eating outside this afternoon 4.
Picture - Home - Shai playing with a few of his lego presents 1.
Picture - Home - Shai playing with a few of his lego presents 2.
Picture - Home - Us eating outside again at night 1.
Picture - Home - Us eating outside again at night 2.
Picture - Home - A table with a lot of free fruit.
Picture - Home - Shai getting ready to blow out the candles on his birthday cake.
Picture - Home - Shai getting ready to eat the delicious birthday cake 1.
Picture - Home - Shai getting ready to eat the delicious birthday cake 2.
Picture - Home - The delicious birthday cake.
Old School Recycling

- Today was the monthly recycling day in our town. Shai had fun carrying the aluminum cans the old fashioned way. Whoa, really need to reduce the beer consumption. Then we went up the coast looking for a new beach for our next camping trip.

Picture - Shai carrying a lot of beer cans.

Picture - Home - Shai carrying aluminum cans for recycling 1.
Picture - Home - Shai carrying aluminum cans for recycling 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Coast - A beautiful coastline view.
Picture - Tanegashima Coast - A beautiful coastline view.
Picture - Tanegashima Coast - Us at a really nice coast view point 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Coast - Us at a really nice coast view point 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Coast - A beautiful coastline view 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Coast - A beautiful coastline view 2.
Picture - Home - Lael hanging out and relaxing in bed.
New Driver

- From the list of things you probably should not let your seven year old do, this probably tops the list. Today I went with Shai to the parking lot at Maenohama beach and let him get behind the wheel of our old white car. He was thrilled, um and a bit nervous, to say the least. Hey this is a good skill for him to know at any age.

Picture - Shai driving a car for the first time.

Then we headed to the Tanegashima Space Center for some fun and for a bit of learning at the museum.

Picture - Maenohama Beach Parking Lot - Shai driving a car for the first time 1.
Picture - Maenohama Beach Parking Lot - Shai driving a car for the first time 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the rocket booster 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the rocket booster 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the rocket 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the rocket 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the beautiful coastline 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the beautiful coastline 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the beautiful picnic area 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in front of the beautiful picnic area 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in the museum in front of a huge globe.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - The view outside from the kids play room.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in the museum with an astronaut.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in the museum in front of rockets.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in the museum standing on a map of the island 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Us in the museum standing on a map of the island 2.