This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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Happy Anniversary

- This month was a very special wedding anniversary since we could spend it for the first time with Lael, our new son. We also got to spend a nice Daddy Day together.

Picture - Us hanging out together at Hamada Beach.

Then we went to a lot of our favorite beaches.
Wedding Anniversary

- Today we celebrated our wedding anniversary on the island once again.

Picture - Celebrating our wedding anniversary.

Picture - Home - Celebrating our wedding anniversary 1.
Picture - Home - Celebrating our wedding anniversary 2.
Picture - Home - Celebrating our wedding anniversary 3.
Picture - Home - Celebrating our wedding anniversary 4.
Baby Time

- Spending a lot of nice moments with the baby.

Picture - Home - Lael sleeping in the stroller.
Picture - Home - Shai feeding little Lael from a bottle 1.
Picture - Home - Shai feeding little Lael from a bottle 2.
Beautiful Flowers

- The hydrangea are now blooming all over the island.

Picture - Minamitane Town -  A group of beautiful hydrangea.
Happy Daddy Day

- Today we celebrated another Daddy Day on the island but this time with our new son Lael.

Picture - All of us together on Daddy Day.

Picture - Home - All of us together on Daddy Day 1.
Picture - Home - All of us together on Daddy Day 2.
Picture - Home - All of us together on Daddy Day 3.
Picture - Home - All of us together on Daddy Day 4.
Picture - Home - All of us together on Daddy Day 5.
Picture - Home - All of us together on Daddy Day 6.
Sleeping Baby

- Little Lael was sleeping in the bed.

Picture - Home - Lael sleeping in the bed.
Beach Day

- Today we decided to get the baby out of the house and visit some of our favorite places on the island. This would be the first time for Lael to go to any of these beautiful spots.

Picture - Us hanging out together at Maenohama beach.

We began with a trip to Maenohama Seaside Park and beach. Then we went to Hamada beach and the Chikura Caves. Unfortunately we could not go in the caves today due to a very high tide. Then we finished off the day with a trip to the rock beach close to our house and watched the sunset over the neighboring Yakushima island.

Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 1.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 2.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 3.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 4.
Picture - Hamada Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 1.
Picture - Hamada Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 2.
Picture - Hamada Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 3.
Picture - Hamada Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach 4.
Picture - Chikura Caves - Us hanging out together at the entrance to the caves 1.
Picture - Chikura Caves - Us hanging out together at the entrance to the caves 2.
Picture - Hamada Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach again 1.
Picture - Hamada Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach again 2.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach again 1.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach again 2.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach again 3.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Us hanging out together on the beach again 4.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Us watching a beautiful sunset from the beach 1.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Us watching a beautiful sunset from the beach 2.
Small Party

- We made a small party with friends tonight.

Picture - Home - Little Lael is relaxing on the bed.
Picture - Home - A small party tonight 1.
Picture - Home - A small party tonight 2.
Beautiful Sunset

- A beautiful view of the sun setting next to Yakushima island.

Picture - Celebrating our wedding anniversary.

Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - A beautiful sunset next to Yakushima 1.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - A beautiful sunset next to Yakushima 2.