This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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Music Festival

- This month began with typhoon Namtheun, which resulted in minimal storm damage to the farms. The month continued with the annual Moon Music Festival at the beach. We did a nice picnic at the Tanegashima Space Center. The middle of the month saw the arrival of typhoon Malakas, which also did some damage to the farms. This month Shai was finally able to ride his bike.

Picture - A bit of craziness at the Moon Music Festival.
Typhoon Namtheun

- Typhoon Namtheun actually hit the island the day before. Today there was a little storm damage in the farms.

Picture - Home - A bunch of pretty flowers were knocked over.
Picture - Home - A line of the root known as zodoary, AKA, gajyutsu, was slammed.
Stroller Baby

- Baby Lael was outside in his stroller.

Picture - Home - Baby Lael in his stroller.
Picture - Home - Baby Lael in his stroller.
Farm Stuff

- A mega long piece of Bamboo and some pretty flowers.

Picture - Home - A nine meter long piece of bamboo from the rock beach.
Picture - Home - A group of really beautiful flowers growing in the farm.
More Farm Stuff

- Today was all about potatoes, bananas, wood, and beds.

Picture - Home - A pile of wood used for the barbecue and smoker.
Picture - Home - A nice group of bananas ready to be picked.
Picture - Home - The square beds of the lower farm ready for seeds.
Picture - Home - A wheelbarrow full of anno imo potatoes.
And More Farm Stuff

- A stand of tall banana trees being tied up for wind protection.

Picture - Home - A tall group of banana trees tied up for wind protection.
Picture - Home - A tall group of banana trees tied up for wind protection close up.
Full Moon Music Festival

- This is definitely a favorite event for our family. This is an annual music festival held at the Maenohama Seaside Park and Beach.

Picture - Us soon after we arrived at the venue.

We went to see our friends perform in the afternoon, went home for a bit, and then returned at night. This year we were hanging out with a bunch of friends as usual. The performances were fantastic, especially the Maximum the Hormone cover band. Was pretty wasted already by the time they hit the stage. lol.

Picture - Maenohama Beach - Us hanging out together in the afternoon.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - A group of girls ready to perform.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Honika Africa performance with everybody.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Honika Africa performance a different angle.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Honika Africa performance another angle.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Honika Africa performance with Oyabing and Yocci.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Honika Africa performance with Natsumi and Yuki.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Honika Africa performance with friends again.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - A group of girls performing.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - The Tahitian girls performing 1.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - The Tahitian girls performing 2.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - The Tahitian girls performing 3.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Shai doing a bit of craziness.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Hanging out with a group of friends at night 1.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Hanging out with a group of friends at night 2.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Hanging out with a group of friends at night 3.
Picture - Maenohama Beach - Hanging out with a group of friends at night 4.
Cool Clouds

- Today we went to the Tanegashima Space Center beach to hang out for awhile. Then on the way home we saw these really cool noctilucent clouds forming over Yakushima. We made it to the rock beach in time to get these cool pictures.

Picture - Noctilucent clouds forming over Yakushima.

Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Us hanging out together 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center Beach - Us hanging out together 2.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Noctilucent clouds forming over Yakushima 1.
Picture - Minamitane Rock Beach - Noctilucent clouds forming over Yakushima 2.
Typhoon Malakas

- Typhoon Malakas slammed the island today with really strong winds.

Picture - Home - Really strong winds from Typhoon Malakas 1.
Picture - Home - Really strong winds from Typhoon Malakas 2.
Storm Damage

- Typhoon Malakas caused a bit of storm damage in the farms including knocking over a fairly large tree.

Picture - Home - Storm damage in the farms from Typhoon Malakas 1.
Picture - Home - Storm damage in the farms from Typhoon Malakas 2.
Farm Stuff Again

- A bit of miscellaneous farm stuff.

Picture - Home - Harvested a few sprigs of dill from the farm.
Picture - Home - A small group of anno imo potatoes of a different color.
Picture - Home - A nine meter long piece of bamboo used to make a farm support.
I Can Ride My Bike

- Shai spent many days practicing and today he was finally able to ride his very cool haro mountain bike.

Picture - Shai riding his really cool mountain bike.

Picture - Home - Shai riding his mountain bike 1.
Picture - Home - Shai riding his mountain bike 2.
Nice Ride

- Now Shai can ride his bike and it was time to go out for some real fun. We rode around to the beaches adjacent to the Tanegashima Space Center.

Picture - Me and Shai getting ready for a ride.

Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Shai ready to go for a ride.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Me and Shai ready to go for a ride 1.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Me and Shai ready to go for a ride 2.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Me and Shai ready to go for a ride 3.
Picture - Tanegashima Space Center - Me and Shai ready to go for a ride 4.