This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.
Happy Hanukkah

- Happy Hanukkah which was a lot later this year.

Picture - Hanukkah decorations.
Traditional Japanese Food

- This was some traditional and delicious Japanese new years food Akiko made again this year.

Picture - Traditional Japanese food.
Happy New Year

- Us hanging out together on the new year.

Picture - Us hanging out together.

Picture - Home - Us hanging out together at home-1.
Picture - Home - Us hanging out together at home-2.
- Facebook Group Post - HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY
This year all of us really need to pull together. Now I am leading a call to BOYCOTT THE TRUMP INAUGURATION on January 20, 2017. I made a page outlining the specifics. Please read the page and send it to all of your friends and family who do not support Trump.
Then again, why not also send this page to all of your friends and family who do support Trump. Even turning a single Trump supporter would be a huge success. PLEASE DO NOT BECOME APATHETIC. Be strong and work together and we can keep Trump from being effective, even at a minimum level, as president. PLEASE VISIT THE LINK AND POST A COMMENT TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. THANKS.

- Facebook Group Post - YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED
Hey folks. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Recently I began a call to boycott the upcoming Trump inauguration. I posted a link to the information everywhere possible including, of course, my own page. Almost no reaction at all. Then I posted a new picture of my family, as a test, and within a few hours received about 100 likes and a bunch of comments. Then I posted a Happy New Years message immediately after which contained a strong message about pulling together to make changes, again no reaction. Facebook is an incredibly powerful medium, and if used correctly, could make changes a reality. Yeah it is certainly a lot of fun to make silly memes of Trump, and laugh at his expense, but it changes nothing. My family is now residing in Japan and were planning to return home until this asshole was elected president. Anyway, the upcoming inauguration is possibly the last really good opportunity to send a strong message to Trump and the new administration. The Trump side of this mess continues to be way more vocal than the non Trump side. Do not be apathetic. PLEASE GO TO THE FOLLOWING LINK AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS AND SUGGESTIONS.
We need to work together now. Thanks.

- Facebook Group Post - Hi again. A bit ahead of things but put together another plan of action for after the inauguration. Please visit the page and post your thoughts when you can.

- Facebook Group Post - Call for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to not attend the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.
Please visit this link and read why they should not attend the inauguration.