This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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- This was overnight trip number 54 and was for four days and three nights. This trip was all about working on the B corner section of the mountain once again. I got bit on the arm by the small black wasp on the first day of the trip same as a few weeks before. My arm swelled up from my wrist to my elbow again but really awful. This trip was the autumn full moon viewing holiday and was really nice. Much of the trip was spent cutting understory trees and raking the property on the other side of the road in an attempt to reduce mosquitoes, reduce bee and wasp nests, and to let in more light during the cooler months.

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- This was overnight trip number 55 and was for three days and two nights. This trip was all about working on the B corner section of the mountain once again. A lot of the understory trees on our property were cut and turned into potash. About eight oak trees were cut to make room for the buses. The huge pile of potash on the road was raked out to separate the rocks.

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Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.
- This was overnight trip number 56 and was for three days and two nights. This trip was all about working on the B corner section of the mountain once again.

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Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.
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- This was overnight trip number 57 and was for four days and three nights. This trip was all about working on the B corner section of the mountain once again. A lot of huge oak trees were cut on the other side of the street. The canopies were then disposed of and more work on the bus area. The first trip for the dog and the trailer. The last day was raining and had to pack in between showers.

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Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.
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- This was overnight trip number 58 and was for four days and three nights. The work continued on the corner of B and the new campsite which was completed and ready for the buses to be moved. The last day was raining again and had to pack in between showers.

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Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.