This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 12:57:28 +0200
Subject: Re: Japaaaaaan
To: ;


Thank you again for letting us stay in your house and really wonderful experience in Kansai region.
Only now, that we arrived to Tokyo, our final common destination, I had time to reflect and really
appretiate what you did for us.

I really hope that you can someday come to Slovenia, and that day we will be there to return the favor
and make sure you have great time exploring our chicken-shaped country :D

Thank you for the best time.

Best Regards,
Andraz Zagar

P.S.: I hope that the omiyage we left for you tasted good :P

July 2012
Howie Hayman

Then you are coming on the 24th next week.

Hey again. No problem about staying in the adjacent house. A few things to tell you though. Everything is working including the shower and even a refrigerator will be available for you guys to keep some already made food. Kitchen cannot be used though since this is only for Akiko cooking videos. If you want to cook of course you can make some of your delicious meals for us in our kitchen. lol. Want to know when you plan on climbing Fujisan. Might be interested in going with you if not too much of an imposition. Anyway planning on being online for awhile tonight. Send email when you can.

January 2012

Hi. I really want to apologize for not writing sooner to you. The last few months were not easy. Was spending from morning to evening working on the other house. Then it became cooler and went back to working on the Internet projects. Working every day until evening. If the sites do a little better then Akiko can quit work and be full time working on the computer. Hopefully you understand about all this. Anyway very cool you are planning to come to Japan. At least a week for everyone to hang out together. We are planning a trip back to California. Send email when you can.


Hey I know this author or course. I know the titles of a few of his publications Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov but did not read any of these. I know the book you plan to read is about existentialism. Should be interesting reading. Incidentally it is an engineer who drives a train. Planning to work a bit tonight but mostly relaxing with only a little wine and talking with the wife. Send email if you are online tonight.

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 09:35:39 +0900
Subject: Re:


I'm planning to take a train in about 45 minutes, so I shold come to your place
in about 1 and a half hour.

Is that OK?

Best Regards,
Andraž Žagar

Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 22:10:45 +0900
Subject: Re:


Maki came back awhile ago.

She went to the concert of Taylor Swift with Miki today.

She said she and Miki saw Andraz at the Tennoji station in Osaka on the way to back home around 9:00pm.
She said Andraz was with some other foreigners.
Maybe they are Andraz and his slovenian friends who came to your party yesterday.

She and Miki very enjoyed the concert at Osaka catsle hall.
They are very excited now because they could touch Taylor and her mother today.



Hey no problem again. Me and Akiko were really happy your friends enjoyed themselves. They are welcome anytime. Want to make sure about the names though.

Petra is the girl.

Luka is the boyfriend.

Miha is the friend.

Please tell me if this is correct. Posted a link to pictures on my site.

Send email when you can.


2011/2/8 Howie Hayman <>

Hi. I was talking with Akiko this evening. She informed me more people are coming to the house this weekend. Should be a lot of fun. Actually we decided to make this the party weekend instead of the 26th this month. It turns out my students cannot come on the day we planned but might be able to come this weekend. This will be a potluck again as usual. Really looking forward to see which food you decide to bring.

Hey I think Akiko told you about the snack you kept at the house. I thought you were coming to get the bike and since we were planning to go shopping I decided to put everything in the basket on the bike. It seems like some crows took everything and actually knocked your bike over. Really want to apologize for this.

Anyway send email tonight about all this if you can.


Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 21:54:20 +0900
Subject: RE:

Then I can not divorce easily because of my kids.
I thought anytime about my kids.
It was most important for me to live together as a family.

Howie Hayman <> wrote:
Really wondering why you cannot understand. You divorced from your husband because things were not good. Maybe it was difficult but you might be happier now because you stayed single for many years. It is the same in this house. We are not happy together. It is simple to understand. You do not want to be with someone who you are not happy with. It is very easy.

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 21:23:11 +0900
Subject: RE:

looks good couple.
but I already know actually you and she cannot fit sometime.

Howie Hayman <> wrote:
Funny you say anytime. It is very strange for you to say this. We are fighting anytime, no sex, no communication, cannot understand each other. IS THIS A GOOD COUPLE?

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 21:13:22 +0900
Subject: RE:

Your work is good because you are getting money for your family.
not only playing.
Also you have your own dream to success someday in your future.
It is wonderful thing.

Howie Hayman <> wrote:
No. It does not matter for me. she does not respect her husband anytime. Cannot worry her thinking anymore. She is embarrassed to tell friends about my Internet work. Many things do not like her thinking.

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 21:05:18 +0900
Subject: RE:

Was she really agree with you?

Howie Hayman <> wrote:
Um actually not really. simply said going to change party date. now we are not talking as usual. does not matter anyway.

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 20:51:45 +0900
Subject: Re:


I understand.
Really complicated reason.

I am going to tell then about changing your party.
But I don't know they can come or not though.

Anyway are there many friends of Akichan in your house now?

Howie Hayman <> wrote:

Hi. I want to explain about the party. A couple weeks before Akiko made a party for her friends. Then I asked if I could invite someone. It was only a joke but she said no. Then I said it was Andraz and she agreed for him to come.

This weekend was supposed to be a party for Yuki and her friend. Then last night Akiko told me Andraz is coming with a couple friends from Slovania. Then tonight she told me he is bringing even more friends and now coworkers are coming. This was supposed to be a small intimate dinner and now turned into a lot of people. Akiko was not asking before but simply made the decision and then told me. Tonight I wanted to invite friends and she said no again. I said this is my house. Anytime I make a party for my friends, any of her friends and family are invited. When she makes a party she invites who she wants without telling me and then says not to invite my friends. Tonight I told her she is wrong and unfair. Then I wanted to change party to this weekend because good chance for everyone to meet people from other countries. Then she agreed.

I really do not want you to go crazy and freaked out with this. Simply come to the party and invite all the usual people. Send email when you can.


Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 21:43:58 +0900
Subject: RE:

I think it is different between your reason and my divorce's reason.
My reason is very difficult to live because of money problem.
of course I wanted to live with him and my kids as possible as we can.
But it could not.
He made a lot of problem for not only me and kids but also around my family.
Can you understand it?
We can not live because he spent a lot of money for gamble also love affair.
Maybe you cannot understand it.

We really liked each other though.


Hey no problem. Actually I am taking Akiko shopping around 12:30 today. You can pick up your bike anytime. Tomorrow works if you want. Either way going to leave the snack you brought in the basket of your bike before you come. Both of us with teeth problems now and cannot eat it. Since it is your favorite wanted to return it to you. Next party in a couple weeks. Send email when you can.



Hi. Hey no problem about the food and of course you are welcome at our home anytime. Actually already knew about utorrent but was a little worried to use it. Some say it is an easy way to get computer problems while others say everything is good as long as you scan the files you download. Akiko said you watched an entire season of Chuck already. Pretty good show yeah. Anyway another party on 19 of next month. No doubt you can make it. Send email when you can.
