This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.
Howie Hayman

Hey going to be at the bagel store this morning and then shopping. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman

Hi. Please read the email in your Facebook account. See you tonight.

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 11:35:28 -0800
Subject: Sushi lessons

Did you get my message about Akiko giving us Sushi making lessons
Email me a shopping list so we can pick up the items this afternoon

Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 19:03:00 -0800
Subject: are we there yet?

Are we there yet
See use guys soon
Jim & Linda

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey now stuck in Korea because of snow. Went outside for a bit and then ate at a nice Korean restaurant. Met a bunch of finalists in the Miss University contest at a Korean cultural event. Rescheduled our tickets and received a bunch of meal coupons. Now hanging out waiting for the next flight and drinking American beer of all things. Gonna arrive in SD a couple hours late. Pretty fun.

Jim, Linda,

Hi. Please send these products as soon as you can. Sent a pictures of these products.


Please be sure it is for Mustache and Beard

Color – Real Black

Amount – 8 packages


Please be sure it is deodorant only and not antiperspirant

Scent - Regular

Amount – 8 sticks


Please be sure to get combination deodorant and antiperspirant

Scent – Wild Freesia

Amount – 8 sticks

Please let us know the total cost including sending. We really appreciate you doing this. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman
Jim, Linda, family

Hey Happy Passover. Actually no idea about the holiday until Friday afternoon. Spent the weekend with a drain problem. Really long story. Anyway much to talk about. Would be nice to chat this weekend. We are going to cherry blossom viewing in the mountains. Maybe you could take a look on skype. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman


Hey we are going up to Tokyo for a few days this weekend. Want to try chat with the iphone at some point. Let us know when you plan to be home. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Happy Hannukah. I really cannot believe another year is almost finished. We wanted to send you guys something this year but got caught up working eight hours a day on the property, watching Shai a minimum of ten hours Monday thru Friday, and now trying to update all Internet projects before New Years. More difficult thanks to Facebook changing their comments application without telling site owners. Need to reinstall their script on every site page. Really exhausted and looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Probably Sunday our time is good for chat if you can. Akiko will be off end of this year and beginning of next for about a week.

Anyway in lieu of a present went and posted a testimonial on the home page of the SDCE site about your company. Hopefully this generates a few leads for you. Know you guys are busy but a little extra money is a good thing. Might be a good idea to offer a discount if they mention the SDCE site. Totally up to you of course. The site is redesigned and even the online Amazon store is looking better now. Take a look.

Hopefully all is going well with you guys. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Hey simply wanted to say hi tonight. We went to our favorite Israeli restaurant the other day. It will be closing within the month. Anyway send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Hey. Wanted to let you guys know we met the owner of the adjacent property, real estate agent, and the equivalent of the county recorder today. It was a very formal meeting same as the last time. Took about an hour and a half with a lot of bowing and thanking. We paid a deposit and finished all the paperwork. Money is already wired and should arrive in a couple days. Then we officially purchased a two story house in Japan for only four thousand dollars. Incredible. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I really want to thank you guys for the present you sent. Shai is really enjoying playing with the car. We were camping for three days and were not able to receive the package until yesterday and opened it early today.

Camping was a lot of fun but pretty tiring. Actually spent much of today sleeping. Really not feeling good these days and hoping to get better when things cool down a bit.

We put in a really low offer on the property next to us a couple weeks ago which the owners would not accept. They wanted to see if any others in this neighborhood would pay more. Then the agent contacted us and said the owners would accept the original offer. This property has been on the market for about four years at $48,000. Knowing the Japanese real estate market and the situation, we offered only $4000 stating we could use the property for parking. Now the owner accepted and it looks like we will purchase this property.

Hopefully all of you are doing good. Really want to meet and talk. Japan is really nice but tiring in many ways. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman


Hi. I am really enjoying this Summer and doing many things. Making an effort to be online more now. No worries everything is basically good. Going camping this weekend. Hopefully you are all doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Hey guys. Everything is settled today. Typhoon moved away and really not much to talk about. Pretty much hanging out at home today and online. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim, Linda,

Hey guys. I really want to apologize for not writing sooner. Kind of a lot going on these days and rarely online.

We spent over 18 hours out on Sunday at the Gion Festival in Kyoto and then went shopping and out to eat in Osaka. Was really wiped out and now my knee is pretty messed up. Putting ice and taking it easy the next few days.

Cancelled classes this upcoming weekend in order to take Shai to the beach in Kobe. The train station is almost on the beach and easy to get to. This city has a nice Jewish community and a synagogue. We are thinking about moving there someday.

We put in an offer on the property next door last week. Still no word if the offer was accepted. The property was listed for $48,000. Recently the agent said the owners will accept almost any price now. In Japan houses retain almost little value over time. The house is over 30 years old and the value is only in the land. Japanese people do not remodel homes unless they plan to keep the property in the family for many years. This house is almost identical to ours without the back bedroom and second floor veranda. Actually three identical houses were built on a single lot. Because of this the house can be knocked down but not rebuilt. This is not a good selling point for the house as Japanese typically take out the house and build new. In addition the house is the middle house. Considering all this we offered $4000 which the agent thinks the owners might accept. We are planning to use the property for parking and possibly a bed and breakfast. It depends if I am able to work with Akiko. Recently we are doing more and more thinks separately including business.

The typhoon which was pretty strong before has pretty much fizzled out. Practically no rain and wind even though the storm is coming within a hundred miles of this house. Then temperatures will go back up towards the end of the week.

Shai will be two years old on the 23rd as you know. He is beginning to talk a lot now. Would be nice to chat soon like maybe Sunday. Hopefully you guys are doing good. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I actually was able to go outside today and work on the yard. We were hit with another tropical storm and received about a half foot of rain. Another successful party the other day. Hopefully you guys can catch the next. Pretty disappointed Linda decided to go back to work. Really think she is ready to retire now. Anyway hang in there for a few more months. Nothing much new except for the new wall built in the front yard. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Timlin Clan,

Hi. I want to thank you for the seeds and the books. Shai is really enjoying all the flaps. Anyway I meant to tell you to send the seeds in a regular envelope. Japanese government inspected the package and included a note saying we need to get a phytosanitary certificate next time.

Happily they allowed the seeds to go through. Already put them in the garden in a couple different spots to make sure we get some in the next few months. Recently we are involved in a party every weekends. Some at our house and others at neighbors house. We are getting a lot of rain recently and not even the official monsoon season. Really good for the garden and relaxing to listen to for sure. We are making a party this weekend. Might be fun to chat during the party. Supposed to be a typhoon headed this way. Hopefully you all are doing good. Send email when you can.

Hayman Clan

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I wanna thank you for sending out the seeds for the garden. Could not find these at all in any of the stores. No need to send anything else unless you can fit both of you and send yourselves.

Answering some of your questions from previous emails.

Yes they do celebrate many of the same holidays in Japan as in America. Akiko wants to thank you for the nice email you sent last weekend.

This house is listed for sale but not specifically in Tokyo. It is on the Internet though. No bites on the house and not really expecting any activity. We listed it for around 92,000 which is way too much for this location. Japanese people do not recognize remodeling as an option usually. They tend to knock down houses after 30 years and rebuild.

Things settled down recently and the situation with me and Akiko improved a lot. Still not perfect as in any marriage but definitely better.

Shai is talking like crazy now but not everything makes sense to us at least. No doubt he understands his own conversation.

My Internet business is really doing good now. Someone apparently recommended the English site on some popular site in Sri Lanka. Ad revenue on the sites was over 212 dollars for a day and then settled back down to around 50 per day. Planning to put a lot of new content soon. If the sites reach 100 per day then we are planning to move back to SD. Could be possible end of this year but more likely next Summer. Internet really is an incredible tool. It really seems like the industrial revolution all over again. An incredible basically unregulated opportunity.

We are supposed to receive the effects of a tropical storm the next few days. We should get around four inches of rain. Will be really good for the garden. Planning on relaxing in my new remodeled music and reading room and listening to the rain.

We really miss you guys. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey we put house on the market today. Really high price. Probably will not sell. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey I think now Akiko really wants to move back to America. This country is really a mess now. We are going shopping for diapers and stuff in the event things begin to run out in this place. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I think we can do chat on Monday our time this week. Everything is crazy in Japan now. Recent events are really impacting the people in this country. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 23:19:46 -0800
Subject: Re: Earth Quake

Are you OK?

Earth Quake


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey thanks for your concern. Actually not much shaking going on in this location. Could not notice anything at the house. Send email when you can.

On 3/10/2011
Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hey I wanted to give you guys an update. Job is everything. Yup the way things are in Japan. Actually yesterday Akiko went to work before 8 am and returned at 11 pm. Today she went to work at 6 am. She is barely spending any time with Shai now. She really changed a lot since returning home. Really trying to hang in there with all of this. Already contacted the real estate agent and the house should be on the market this month. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai, AKA dysfunctional family

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;

Hi. I really want to talk with you guys but totally not up for it today. Been really sick the last couple weeks and quite honestly really depressed. Working towards many changes now since all the previous plans are not working. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey guys the house is going on the market this week. Things are not good. Planning to return home either way after this Summer. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey I am in with bronchitis again. This climate really sucks. Now generating some respectable income with the sites and planning many more projects this year. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
um it might be more towards eleven your time. Cannot drive now. We need to go shopping walking and taking the train. Kinda difficult to know exactly when we are going to return. Should be good though. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey guys it is snowing like crazy. Me and Akiko took little Shai out for a long time to play in the snow. Posted a bunch of pictures.

Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey guys. Hey I want to apologize about chat not working out. This week is kind of unusual since it warmed up. Really want to take the little guy outside as much as possible. Actually chatting works much better for me in the afternoon your time since I am usually on the computer and Shai watches a bit of TV. Seems like this week is not going to work but can plan for next week some time. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey I wanted to give you an update. Now the little dude is sleeping and a chance for me to workout. Probably finish between nine and ten your time. Maybe you can chat then. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Um raining today and will be in the house. You guys go ahead and eat dinner and relax and then send email if you chat. Should be on the computer today except when feeding the little guy. Hey thanks for posting on the HuuHuu site. Beginning work on the education site and the recipe site now. These were long time neglected projects. Going to finish them within the next few weeks.

Send email when you can.

Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 00:28:10 -0800
Subject: Re:

Kirk Webster posted on SDCE because I told him to when I RSVP'd for one of his events

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am happy groups are beginning to post on the SD site using Facebook. Received email from San Diego Symphony with concerns of using their personal profile to post events. Sent back a long email explaining why we are using Facebook and they posted an event. They are offering discounts and promotional items for anyone who clicks Likes in Facebook for the event. Pretty good marketing idea. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey after weeks of work and trying to figure out a Facebook script the San Diego site is now redesigned and ready for event posting. Put your company banner on every event page. Take a look when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I was really happy we could countdown to the new year with you last night. Hopefully this year will be much better and easier for everyone. Looking forward to chatting with you again. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey we need to go to family house tonight. Probably leave at 4pm Japan time. Going to try and find time for a few minutes chat in late evening your time. Let me know if this works. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda, Adam, Jason,

Happy New Year at least in Japan. I spent a quiet evening at home watching TV with Akiko and Shai. Maybe can chat this afternoon Japan time. It would be late evening in SD. We are going out for awhile. Going to look for your email in the afternoon. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;

Hey. I am looking into many marketing possibilities on the Internet for my sites now. I think a lot of them would be good for your business. I made a couple pages on my site to file all this information and to keep track of all the groups I plan to join.

Pages kind of a mess since the sorting process is beginning now. You can visit these pages and get some ideas. Akiko continues to work. Shai is finally getting better. Really not warm these days and pretty much staying in the house. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Timlin Family,

Hi guys. I wanted to send a Happy Hanukah email on the last day of the holiday. Akiko is sleeping. Shai is complaining. Candles are dwindling down in the kitchen. Needed to light the candles twice tonight to catch up. No idea it was Hanukah until I received email from Valerie informing me about the beginning of the holiday. Sure is early this year. Japan continues to be quite a struggle. Things are getting better but now the temperatures are hovering around 32 at night. Really looking forward to the day we are financially in the position to move back to SD again. Hopefully all is well with you guys. Send email when you can.

Hayman Family

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I trust you guys enjoyed Thanksgiving as usual. Really thought about you a lot and wanted to be with you for the holiday. Akiko really put in some effort and made as close to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner as was possible in Japan. Needed to substitute chicken for turkey though. Could purchase turkey online but mega expensive and way outside the budget. We made a party a couple days later with the usual crowd and a few new additions. It was lots of fun. Planning another party at the end of this month. Kind of an end of the year party which is traditional and companies in Japan. Should be quite a turnout.

Shai caught the flu a couple weeks ago. Akiko was sick for her usual couple hours only the other day. Now I am in with the flu this week. This climate really sucks but at least the house is comfortable this year from all the house repairs. Last night Shai threw up all over the blankets. I was doing laundry until 6 am to let Akiko sleep. It turns out she is taking the day off to take Shai and find out about his problem.

Anyway, we did not realize I can only use my international drivers license for a year in Japan. We thought it can be renewed indefinitely but the rules changed. Now good for only a year. Usually takes a few times to pass the written and driving tests. My license is good until the beginning of next month. Might be back to using the train until this all is straightened out.

Keep thinking about you guys visiting Japan. It really would be loads of fun. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We were really happy to chat with you guys today. Thanks again for the stuff and especially the camera. After chat we played around with it and found we can do all kinds of crazy effects. Shai looked really funny. Will show you next time.

We realize the plan of coming to Japan is in the talking stages but we were pretty excited to even think about the possibility. You can take a look at the English Global Group school site. With everything set up now we plan to begin marketing for new students.

Wanted to talk to you about the SD site and completely forgot. Now the site is being spammed like crazy. These auto spam bots found the site. Akiko is going to install a new script which is the same as the United Nations site. This script is open source and free but tons of files. When finished there should be a really good event calendar and classifieds. Individual groups will be able to make there own profiles to promote their missions in detail. I want to set u p your advertising when this is all finished. Would be nice for you to make a promotional video. Some stuff to think about.

Anyway chat in a few weeks. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey guys. We might be a few minutes late tomorrow. Now the little dude is sick. Can still do chat though. Will send email in the morning. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hi. I wanted to give you guys an update.

Akiko is getting much busier at work now. Shai caught a cold this week and is pretty much inside the last couple days.

Now much cooler in Japan. I spent the last couple weeks putting in plywood flooring in preparation for the finished flooring. Was able to finish the entry, kitchen, and bedroom. Planned on pulling off the paneling in the bedroom and paint only to discover there is nothing behind the paneling. Yup, an exterior wall, air space and paper thin paneling. Now need to spend the next couple weeks redoing the walls in the bedroom. Possible could chat early on Sunday our time like 8 am which would be around 4pm the day before your time.

Been watching football almost every night. Many good games this year but the bills really suck.

Anyway, send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I can turn the camera on and chat with you during the party this weekend. It would be Friday afternoon and evening your time. We could chat on the next day if it works out better for you. It would be more private then. This week really wiped out. Putting in a new wall in the entry and new flooring in the entry, kitchen and bedroom. Installing only the plywood now. This week is supposed to be much cooler and need to make this place warmer. For sure last year was not fun in this house during this season. Tell me if either of the chat days work for you. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I wanted to let you know we are doing a party this weekend.

Might be a good time to chat.

Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey I planned on sending this last night but Akiko came home late from work and we needed to go shopping. Gonna take some Shai pictures this weekend. Anyway the package was really nice. Planning to use the new camera this weekend. A bunch of the stuff I requested. Please let me know if you want me to reimburse you are any of the items. Anyway Japanese is getting cooler now and more comfortable. Maybe chat soon then. Thank you again for sending everything. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I wanted to let you know we received the package. Really busy morning with Akiko getting ready for work. Going to send a longer email tonight our time. The stuff is perfect though. Shai will play with the toys after dinner tonight. We want to take a picture before he messes with everything. Thank you very much for sending everything. Again will send a longer email tonight. Thank you again.

Howie, Akiko, Shai stinky little dude

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was wondering if you already tossed your old furniture from your family room. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hey. We watched the New England, New Orleans, and the New York game this week. Kinda of a theme, all New games. Yeah American football. Anyway, really wanna chat with you guys. Some type of insignificant holiday on Monday in Japan and Akiko is off. Can chat 9:00 am our time on Monday and 5:00 pm your time on Sunday. Send email if this works for you. Really wanna see your home improvement stuff. Shai can perform lots of new tricks now. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Happy New Year. We are all doing good. Me and Akiko took Shai for a walk this morning in the farms again. Continues to be hot in Japan. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I want to wish you a Happy Rosh Hashana. Now a bit drunk as usual and really missing you guys. Japan is really cool in many ways but pretty depressing around the Jewish holidays. Really no words to tell you how much I want to be with you for this holiday. Akiko and Shai are doing really good. Looking forward to the days to see you again. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We were planning to chat with you guys this weekend but lots of things came up. We are getting air conditioning installed in the bedroom next Thursday. A bit late in the season but temperatures are still close to a hundred every day. Spending the weekend building a place for the outside condenser. Working on the garden and other stuff. Next weekend the house will be nice and cool and easier for us to talk with you guys. Akiko is working Monday thru Friday now. No doubt SD is really nice now. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. Me and Akiko were thinking about chatting with you guys but it is way too hot this week. The temperatures are in the nineties and combining the humidity the index is 105 and higher. Using lots of bamboo and opening windows at the appropriate times has kept the inside of the house pretty comfortable. Anyway was waiting to tell you about the stuff to send until I was sure everything was included. I was able to download the new security program for the computer but still need to get turbotax to file for 2009. If it works online then only a couple things I need from the states. Anyway things are basically going good. Shai is walking now. Planning to go camping in a couple weeks. Hopefully you guys are doing fantastic. Hey the SD baseball team is pretty incredible this year. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin


Hi. I am going to send the exact details of the things I would like you to send. Gonna look them up online. Maybe sending pictures is better. Anyway a typhoon is headed towards the other side of Japan. It looks like we might get a bit of rain. Planning to put a new wall around the garden in the next few weeks. The school site is getting better. Last night me and Akiko decided to take Shai to this candle event in famous Nara Park. We took the train. It was really nice. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Really wanna watch football. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I wanted to give you an update. Akiko is working full time at an NPO in Nara Japan. She works from 9-5 Monday thru Friday. There is no weekend work and not any overtime which is unusual in Japan. She takes the bike to the train station which is about a 15 minute ride each way. Then she takes the train for about 15 minutes and then walks another 15 minutes to the job. We all get up around 5:30 and eat breakfast together. Now I am working out a couple hours in the morning. Akiko leaves at 8:00 am and I take Shai for a long walk in the farms. Then we spend the day together. In the afternoon I take him to a mountain where I used to go hiking a lot when I stayed in Japan for three months many years ago. It takes about 20 minutes to drive to the mountain. I usually go to the top a couple times which takes about an hour and a half. The trail is all asphalt and concrete and through the middle of a forest which means it is shaded and since it is pretty much the tallest mountain locally the breeze is incredible. Probably about 20 degrees cooler at the top. Anyway it is good for me and Akiko to be away from each other a lot now. It is also nice we are on a more normal schedule now. I am working on the school site and will be teaching in the house and online in the evenings and on the weekends. When the money is good enough then Akiko will quit her job. Anyway kinda need a few things when you send the package if not already sent. Can send you the money for the items I need. Really not much. Anyway hopefully you are all doing well. Should be online much more now since much of the house is finished. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. Me and Akiko were really happy to chat with you guys during the party. Hey sorry about all the noise. There were actually 22 people going in and out of this small house. Shai really seemed to enjoy himself. Anyway it is almost 100 degrees today and we are all really uncomfortable. Definitely hoping to make some money and move back to SD within the next few years. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am wondering if you guys wanna chat during the birthday party for Shai coming up. It would begin at 9pm on Friday night your time. We were thinking of leaving the computer on and you guys could come and watch anytime. This will be an American style party. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am actually getting this place finished up now. A few difficult projects to be worked on after Summer but for now small detailed work only needs to be finished. Friends said SD is not warm this year. Maybe global cooling. Anyway me and Akiko will be doing a party for Shai on the 24th in Japan. Will send more information about this but would be really cool if you guys could chat and join us. Hopefully you are all doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I wanted to chat with you guys but got caught up in house repairs again. There was a cockroach in the kitchen. There is a space in the floor behind the sink. Was supposed to be an end of the Summer project. Akiko did not see the cockroach but kinda freaked out to know it was in the house. Decided to do the project this week. Anyway made an awesome fourth of July party with the family and neighbors. Tons of fun and we did fireworks in the street. Planning to post pictures soon. Hopefully you guys are doing incredibly good. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am looking for someone to rent a room in my place in San Diego now.

The Japanese student who was renting the room went back to Japan.

This is the link with all the information.

If you know anyone who may be interested please send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I bought a printer and beginning to make the school now. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
394-3 Higashiando Ando-cho Ikoma-gun Nara

Japan 639-1061

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am not doing good now. My knee is really messed up. Actually woke up many times the last couple nights and put ice on the knee. Really difficult to walk. Akiko is looking for a job. Shai is getting crazier now. Japan is getting warmer. The house is looking pretty good although still many projects to finish. Planning to get the school going within the next few weeks. Hopefully you guys are doing good. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I think you guys want to chat on Monday SD time which would be Tuesday in Japan. Me and Akiko need to take Shai for a shot that day. Already cancelled a couple times because he was sick. Next weekend works for us though or doing the Sunday in SD and the Monday for us. Anyway, the house is now totally usable and looking really good. This was four months of working almost every day from early morning until night. Planning to post all the exciting details and pictures of this project. Now the classroom is finished and can begin accepting students. The garden is doing really well and should produce plenty of food. This year the temperatures in Japan were much cooler and resulted in high food prices now. Cabbage is selling for 3 to 5 dollars a head. The garden should offset much of our food costs. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We are getting totally slammed with rain today. Good thing the garden was finished a few days before. Akiko and I will be joining the work force once again. She plans to work a regular job for awhile and the house is finished enough to begin getting students for the English school within the next couple weeks. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I cannot chat with you this week. Her grandpa passed away. Going to let you know when things settle a bit. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am happy you returned home.

We were able to get rid of the bees this week finally.

Pretty incredible story even for the bee company.

Keep wanting to post about it but spending every day working on this freaking house.

Akiko is planning to work soon.

It would be nice to chat with you next week.

Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I am not good about knowing what to say about these things anytime.

Me and Akiko and Shai went to say a prayer before.

We were hoping everything would turn out good with your friend.

Tonight was drinking a lot and trying to find the correct words.

All I can say is we are thinking about you guys anytime.

We want to send you strength to get through this difficult time.

Please do not worry about sending email now.

We can all chat when you return home.

Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I thought we were finished with the bees but they came again. This time is was thousands. Akiko was screaming as thousands of bees were swarming around the roof of our house. Going to post about it this week. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I spent about 400 dollars to get rid of the bees this week. There was no choice. Interesting story though. Gonna post about it on the site soon. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I took Shai to see the cherry blossoms today way up in the mountains. It was awesome. Pictures will be posted soon. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We are not going to be able to chat tomorrow. Akiko and I made an appointment to meet with the bee guy. More updates about this situation during the week. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I spent the last couple days working on the laundry room for Akiko. Trying to at least finish the outside framing and boards today. Supposed to get tons of rain on Monday. Tomorrow we are going up to the mountains to see the cherry blossoms. It is called hanami in Japanese which means flower viewing.

Then planning to work on the bees during the middle of the week as the temperatures will be much cooler. Hopefully you guys are doing well and no doubt keeping busy. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Yeah totally understand. Been working on the house every day and lost a lot of weight. Now sleeping really good and even hair is growing back a lot. This is like a dream to be in the countryside of another country with not much to worry about. I think about you guys often. Even though really happy in Japan we miss you guys a lot. Hopefully we can all meet soon. Thank goodness for the Internet. At least we can talk and see your faces. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I kinda blasted them with spray. Really di not want to but because of Akiko and Shai no choice. Really want to be able to use the front yard. It seems like the problem is going to go away. Still need to take out some of the ceiling to see the extent of the hive. Yuk for sure. Anyway, enjoy the tournament. What the heck are you doing up at this hour. Must be an old guy thing. Kidding. Actually completely understand. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Now Japan is getting much warmer and we are spending much more time outside. This weekend me and Akiko are taking Shai up to the mountains for cherry blossom viewing. Hopefully you are all doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Me and Akiko thought there was a roof leak which turns out to honey seeping in through the ceiling. It warmed up the other day and all the bees residing in the roof woke up and were all over the yard. They want about $500 to come out. Today was not warm and the bees were sleeping. Then I took off the outside wood and sprayed. Should be interesting to see what transpires when it warms up again this week. More house fun. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Me and Akiko found bees in the house. Yuk. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I agree next week will be better for chatting. The little dude is much better tonight and acting as usual. Japan is getting warmer and finishing up many projects. Really hoping to get the school going the end of this month. Many students waiting. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko, Shai.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am getting ready to work on the house as usual but wanted to give you an update. Shai is much better today. It is supposed to get warmer this week and this should make a difference. Akiko really wants to work and will most like begin looking for a job within the next couple weeks. No doubt you are enjoying the warm SD temperatures. There is a chance we might not be able to chat tomorrow. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Quite a week this was. Shai is really sick now. Akiko and I took him to be checked and it turned out he has some type of virus. He threw up on me and I thought it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to send email. We gave him a fever reducer and other stuff now and hopefully he will feel much better tomorrow. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I turned fifty and spent the day with Akiko and Shai at home. Posted about it on my site. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I want to thank you for inviting us today. It was really nice and definitely different. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I really are looking forward to Passover dinner with you guys even if from thousands of miles away. Really nice of you to set up the computer and do this. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I actually finished up a room enough to set up the computer now. Akiko and I will be online much more. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
No problem. It was a very rough week and a particularly tough day. Probably overreacted. Email is usually a difficult way to express true feelings anytime. Anyway today is raining as forecast and working in the house. We are really looking forward to chatting with you at 11 pm sd time tonight. Until then.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was a bit upset about the strong email you sent to my cell phone. You should know I would not cancel chat without a really good reason. I distinctly remember two occasions you canceled a dinner and a coffee meeting at the last minute due to work and I simply understood and said nothing. Anyway, Akiko was finally able to contact the owners of the adjacent property to get permission for me to go over there and pick things up. The property was covered with weeds, totally bug infested, and the drainage ditch was completely filled with sludge. Absolutely not a good situation for the bay as the warmer temperatures are approaching. I worked on the property for the second day today from early in the morning until it was almost dark. Tonight I was barely able to move. Even with two full days working over there, it will still require another full day. Needed to take the opportunity to get this finished before the owners change their minds and before the week of rain we are scheduled to receive. Anyway, as you requested, Akiko and the baby will be able to chat at 11:00 pm on Monday night, San Diego time. Thank you for understanding. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. Akiko and I will be moving stuff to the house today and then actually moving on Friday. No Internet access from today. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We really enjoyed chatting with you guys. We are moving on Friday. Going to send you the cell phone information next week. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I wanted to let you know we cannot chat Sunday our time but me and Akiko can chat Monday afternoon our time and Sunday night between 11:00 pm and midnight your time. I know this is later for you guys but need to wait at the house because we are getting a delivery from the electronics store. The weekends are not possible in this house for chatting anymore. The sister totally freaked out again the other day and was screaming and slamming things. Needed to rush the baby upstairs. Been riding the bike four miles each way to the house every day to finish everything up as quickly as possible. Although not finished, the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom are now all sparkling and ready for us to move in. We pushed the move ahead to next week. From that time we might need to wait a month before we can get Internet due to the backlog. Might see if we can access the Internet from the library. Either way communication might be difficult the next few weeks. Anyway, let us know about chatting. We really miss you guys. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I am working on the house every day now. Me and Akiko will be moving there on the 26th of this month. We will be without Internet for awhile. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We wanted to let you guys know the house was officially purchased today. We needed to get the numbers from the electric meter and rode our bikes four miles each way in forty degree temperatures in the pouring rain with much of the stuff we purchased for working on the house. It pretty much sucked but no choice. From tomorrow going to being working on the house. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was not putting much energy into selling the truck due to the situation in Japan the last few weeks. Thanks for the advice. Will probably let it go pretty cheap at this point. Kind of useless letting it sit at the condo. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We were really happy to talk with you guys and see your smiling faces again. Yeah the video is not the real thing but still way better compared to email. The site is reading the Japan IP address and changed everything to Japanese. Going to need to figure out a way to make everything go back to English. Anyway, today is a couple mile walk to the building supply store and then tomorrow the house closes. Planning to be there every day to finish up as much as possible before the move which might be much sooner because of the situation in this house. Enjoy the warm San Diego temperatures. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I kinda figured the Logitech would be a problem. None of the television sites work in Japan and my computer is changing most sites to Japanese because of my Japanese IP address which is the same as this site. We are trying to figure out if we can use Logitech but seems unlikely. If you decide to use Skype, pretty sure we use FunEasyEnglish as the user name. You try on your end and we will do the same. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I think we cannot be online until 10:30 pm your time. We need to give the kid a bath. Will send email when we are online. Talk to you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We need to give the kid a bath soon and then online again. Either way you really should consider at least Skype, if nothing else for your business. Pretty much everyone using it these days. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I was really sick the last few days and went to get checked today. Really not wanting to talk about the details but suffice to say it could be from all the problems over the last few weeks. Went through a few tests and nothing showed up. Definitely looking forward to getting out of this house and into the new house. We wired the money from the United States. The money showed up a few days ago but told the bank to hold the money for a couple days. Waiting paid off as US economic data along with the resignation of the Japanese Finance Minister this week pushed the dollar higher. Waiting netted an extra thousand bucks. We went out and bought a display model refrigerator today for 500 bucks. It was half price. Anyway, a few more days before the house closes. Hopefully you guys are doing really good. Hey get the camera soon and we can chat. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I really need a favor. We both really like the Chuck show. We used to watch on television and on the Internet. Due to copyright problems, the NBC and WB sites cannot be seen from Asia. The new season begins soon. If you could tape it, we would be really happy. You would not need to send the tape, or DVD until it is filled with many shows. Please let me know if you can do this. Thanks. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I made it through New Years after tons of fighting the last month. The sister is getting progressively worse mentally and is angry much of the time. The other day she threw the thermos we bought for Shai. It smashed 6 windows of an interior door in the kitchen. Things seem to be better now but really looking forward to getting out of this place and into the new house. New Years Eve was spent home eating, drinking, and watching television. New Years day the three of us went to the famous park and temples. At night we needed to go to a cousins house who nobody likes for dinner. This Monday pretty much everyone goes back to work and can relax more in this house. Kinda sucks everyone was sick for your New Years. If you guys get a camera then we can chat and fill in the no shows. We really miss you guys and talk about you often. Hopefully things go good with the school and we can eventually move back home. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Happy New Year. Akiko and I made it through a difficult month with many family problems mostly with the sister who is much worse now. Things are more settled now but it will certainly be good when we move to the house. You can read my site to find out the way we are spending our time. Hopefully you guys enjoyed your New Years. Will be nice when you guys get a camera and we can hang out online together. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am happy the holiday is over in Japan. New Year is the most important in this country. The other holiday is simply for fun and commercialized. Totally for the retail stores to make money. The stores play holiday music and decorate the stores and as soon as the holiday is over they take everything down and put up New Year decorations. The site is interesting. Me and Akiko cannot wait to move to the new house. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I posted more pictures. You can usually get new stuff from my site. Anyway Japan is really not warm now. Really looking forward to getting through the next few weeks and moving to the house. Akiko and I went shopping with the little dude for home improvement stuff. Mostly checking prices for now. Many projects ahead. We miss you guys. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I know you guys really enjoyed the evening together. Today me and Akiko met my friend and Japanese teacher and went out to a sushi restaurant. It was really nice. I posted about it on my site. We really miss you guys too. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We want to wish you a Happy Chanukah. Take a look at my menorah in Japan.

Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I wanted to let you know we got the house. Everything should go though next month. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We met with the real estate agent last night again. Purchasing real estate in Japan is turning out to be quite an experience. Definitely going to post a lot on my blog. Hopefully you guys are doing good. We miss you. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We will most likely get the house. We are meeting the real estate agent along with the owner and the listing real estate agent for the property tomorrow. Meeting the owner is typical in Japan and the meeting should take about 90 minutes. Will probably post about it on my site. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Yeah it really sucks being sick and not able to do things. Actually getting rid of this after only a few days thanks to all the alcohol, warm food and sleep. Going out for a walk today and attempt to get the bike back into running order again. Suppose SD needed to get rain eventually. Stay in and get better soon. The cameras usually sell for about 40 bucks and are very easy to install. Personally prefer the Logitech cameras but any of them are about the same. Be sure to get a camera with a built in microphone. It makes it easier without headphones and another line connected to the computer. Then you use a hotmail account with MSN and chat for free. Yeah the house is pretty nice. Really nervous now because waiting for the owner to make a decision about the offer. Akiko says we are going to get the house but still worried about it. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We were really happy to get email from you guys. Yup, planning to update the blog pretty much every day. Spent this week settling in and trying to get over this bronchitis crap. Went and bought some stuff, drank plenty of alcohol, ate warm food, and slept a lot. Now getting much better. Shai is getting over a cold too and getting used to this climate. Seem like being back in Buffalo. Every day is different. Beginning today really need to get caught up on three months of site work. In the afternoon, we plan to go for a walk to the river to see if there is a good bike route to the new house, assuming we get it. Anyway, should be online every day. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. Akiko and I put in an offer on the house today. Transactions for real estate work much differently in Japan. Anyway, we should know soon if the offer is accepted. Will be writing about it on the blog.

Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We are pretty much settled in now and I was able to update my site and post some pictures.

Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We are now in Japan. The Internet is working and we can communicate, yippee. Many stories and everything is going really good. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We really want to thank you for everything over the last few months. Much more to say to you guys but need to pack. Kinda way behind now. Anyway we would like to come over tomorrow for a bit and talk. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We really enjoyed the dinner last night. Going to be working around our place for awhile and was thinking about coming over around noon. Will call you in a few hours. Thank you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We received your message and will come over a bit later today. Probably gonna call you. Now busy finishing up some painting and window washing. Taking full advantage of the warm and dry conditions. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We continue to sort and pack for the move. Hopefully you guys were able to finish all the preparation for the tenting and are enjoying a few nights away. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. Supposed to be over 80 degrees. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We watched our last football for this season in the house today. Going to be packing things away from tomorrow. Hopefully you guys were able to get your tenting preparation completed. Let us know if you want to come for dinner this week. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We finished pretty much all our errands and shopping yesterday except for a few things. Ayumi is going to take us out next week to finish up everything. Anyway, we are really going to advertise the truck from today. Although we want $3900, we are going to sell it for $3000 if we cannot find anyone before next weekend. If you know anyone let us know. We paid $3000 for the truck but put in over $2000 and replaced a lot. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We sent out eight packages today. Was thinking about you guys. Hopefully the tenting preparation is going well. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We decided to cancel the party in the park. The only people who can make it are you guys and Mike and Peggy. Everyone else is busy. In addition, getting a lot of activity on the truck. If our friend decides not to purchase it, we need to show it this weekend. You guys will be busy too with all the house preparations. It was a good thought but simply not going to work out. Thank you anyway. Hopefully see you guys this week. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. Akiko and I were out most of the day and were able to finish most of the stuff. Anyway, I know things will be pretty crazy at your place from Sunday to Wednesday next week. You guys are welcome to come for dinner any and all of those nights if you want. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda
Hi. I wanted to let you know we ordered the memorials plaques for my parents today. The temple will call you when they come in. Thank you again for the wonderful dinner last night. Talk to you again.
Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey this is the link with all the truck information.

This is now posted in Craigslist. Send email with any questions. Thanks.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We were thinking about possibly coming to your place for about an hour this afternoon to finish the truck. We are coming after lunch and again you do not even need to come out if you are busy. We need to be back early today. Probably will not be online but will call you sometime in the afternoon. Thanks.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We spent the day in La Jolla and finished up a lot of shopping. You guys are probably back from your trip now. We want to know if you still want to do the park party on the 21st of this month. The few people we mentioned it too seemed really up on the idea. We were thinking about noon until as long as everyone wanted to stay. Send email and let us know what you think. Thanks.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We really want to thank you for coming over and for the wonderful presents again. This whole transition and move to Japan is really difficult but you guys made things much easier for sure. Akiko really likes the new bag you bought. Thank you very much for everything. Today is pretty much back to sorting again, yuk. Anyway, enjoy your trip and send email as soon as you return. Talk to you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We are getting ready to see you guys tonight. You can come anytime. Until then.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
No problem. Thanks much for the offer about washing the truck. Might take you up on it this week. Maybe Thursday would be good. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We continue to make a lot of progress on sorting but still much needs to be finished up. Anyway, our place is presentable enough now and we would like you to come for dinner. Please let us know which night is convenient for you. Thanks.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We want to thank you for dinner last night. It was really good and fun to see you guys again. Today is back to sorting stuff and getting ready for the move. Pretty tired of doing this but no choice. Anyway, see you again soon. Until then.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hi. We are back from the mountains. Should get together. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. Akiko and I took Shai for a check up today. He has a bit of a cold but should be better in a couple of days. Making sure we are still on for Thursday. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We cannot make it Sunday or Tuesday for the yard work. Monday is a holiday and would be good or maybe some other day. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. We were able to get the Home Depot shopping out of the way today. Thought it was going to be a lot more difficult but not much of a problem actually. Anyway, would like to know about the weekend for finishing up the yard work. Supposed to be pretty nice out. Either day this weekend works at this point. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda

Hi. I was wondering if next Sunday would be good for finishing up the yard and doing dinner together. This Sunday SD is not playing and we made no plans. Anyway send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. Another busy couple days. We made our reservations for Japan and many other things to tell you. Wanna know if we are still on for Thursday. Probably will take a few hours for the yard work and was wondering if you wanna make it a lunch or dinner or both or maybe we could stay through the weekend. Kidding. Anyway, send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We really want to thank you for last night. The food was very good as usual and we really enjoyed ourselves. This morning was pretty much back to usual with hand laundry and looking after the little dude. Getting ready for next week and the warmer temperatures. Planning to finish up a few house projects since everything should dry quickly due to the low humidity. Let us know when you want to get together again. Thank you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We really enjoyed ourselves last night. Thank you very much. Kinda sucks Buffalo managed to screw up the game but only the beginning of the season. Anyway, I was wondering if this Thursday it would be possible to come over sometime during the day to put the stuff in your garden. Anytime works for us. Will need a few garden tools and would happy to work on the yard on the side of your house. Let us know if this works. Send email when you can. Thanks again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We really want to thank you for hosting the baby shower. It was very nice and everyone really enjoyed themselves. I posted about it on my site along with some other stuff over the last few days. Let us know a good night when you guys can come to our place for dinner or maybe even a Thursday morning breakfast. Send email when you can. Thank you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I need you to make sure everyone knows to meet us on the pier next to the cafe and NOT at the parking lot. Because of the stroller, we need to park up on the street. Please call everyone and tell them where to meet. Thanks. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;;
Hey Everyone,

This is the plan for fishing tomorrow. We are going to get there about 10:45 am and probably fish for at least a couple of hours.

The following link is directions from PB.,+pacific+beach,+ca&daddr=ocean+beach+pier,+ca&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.999041,78.837891&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=13

The following link shows the parking lot adjacent to the pier. Access to the parking lot is actually from Newport Ave. Suggest trying to get a spot on Niagara Ave. to avoid the stairs up to the pier which is a bit of a hike.,+ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.999041,78.837891&ie=UTF8&ll=32.747352,-117.253084&spn=0.002269,0.004812&t=h&z=18

Anyway should be able to catch many fish over five inches for sure. See you tomorrow. Until then.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I will be going back to walking again today. Probably will not be online again until this evening. Anyway, get either 10 or 12 lb test line. Already got plenty of hooks and weights. No need for you to get those things. Send email if you need anything else. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I wanna know if you need a couple cans of dark walnut stain. This is the same color as the kitchen cabinets. Cannot use it now with the baby in the house. If not then gonna toss it out. There is also a pair of safety goggles and a pretty nice mask for working with chemicals. Send email about all this when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hey, thanks for letting us come over and eat again. Let us know if you want to go fishing for sure tomorrow. Make sure the dude can make the walk out on the pier. A half mile to the end. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hey, we really wanna thank you for last night. The food was really good as usual and it was nice seeing everyone again. We forgot our little plastic container and thought we might take a walk over today. Pretty sure you guys are going out for breakfast. Anyway, send email when you get home and let us know if we can come over for a few minutes. Thank you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I keep thinking it is a honeydew thingy. Anyway, no problem. Know you guys are busy these days. Let us know if we are still supposed to come for the BBQ this weekend. Maybe see you tonight then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am beginning to get ready for the move to Japan. Want to talk to you about a few things when you can find the time. Maybe you guys could walk over or we could walk over there. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I wanted to send email and explain a bit of stuff. We are still not sure about the bris at this point although we are definitely going to do it either way. We are in contact with the same person but unable to confirm a time. Akiko and I went back and forth about if we want to do this alone or with friends and still unsure although we are leaning more towards it being the two of us and the baby. Akiko seems to be a bit overwhelmed recently with all the attention. It is difficult for many of our friends to understand as most of them are not used to being associated with someone from an Asian culture and background where things are done on a much more personal level. For me it is simply sad because my parents cannot be there for any of this. Anyway, we will keep you posted. We would like you to come for dinner next week sometime. Any night is good for us. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am not totally sure about the bris at this time. Akiko and I considered going to her OBGYN but not sure. Akiko and I will probably do this with only the two of us though. We are still waiting for the final answer from the insurance company. Yup, fishing needs to wait. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hey, I really wanna thank you guys for coming over last night and for returning the car seat. Really kinda small in our place and now there is a bit more space. Anyway, last night was really good. Shai slept 4.5 hours last night. I made breakfast this morning and all of us are much more relaxed. Pretty much planning to stay in for the next couple weeks. Akiko really wants the baby to be stronger before going out again. This is the link to my page on the education site. You can join from this page too.

Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Hey, Akiko and I actually gave the baby a name. Information is on this page.

Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. We wanna thank you guys again for all of your kindness during the last few days. You really made things much easier for us. We are still working on the food. Used the bathtub today and talk about easy. Things sure improved over the years. Looking forward to seeing you guys. Thank you again.

Howie, Akiko

7/23/2009 5:54 AM
Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko is in labor now. I am taking her now. I am going to call you from there. Enjoy the shower. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey, Akiko and I plan to go fishing tomorrow, Friday, from about 6:00 am until noon. The conditions look really good. Supposed to be in the nineties inland. Come and hang out if you want. Talk again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Jim and Linda,

Hi. I asked Akiko about this stuff and these were her answers pretty much.

Favorite color – Green

Food – Japanese.

Music – Classical.

Flowers – Good smelling.

Drink – Wine.

Pleeeeeeeease do not worry about anything. You probably already know we are really easy people. Anything is good. We are happy to be spending this time with you guys and friends. Thank you again.

Howie and Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Jim and Linda,

Hi. Akiko and I really want to thank you guys for making the shower. With Akiko being away from home, Japan, it makes her feel much better to know she has a lot of friends and support. She is sleeping now but we will add our names to the evite after she is up and we eat and stuff.

Many of my friends from the last few years are Japanese. A lot of them went back home over the years. A few of them who are still in town I was in a relationship with and obviously not a good idea to invite to the shower. My friends from years ago all moved away from SD. Many of the friends we put on the list are people we met at the bagel shop and now see on a regular basis, both there and socially. Many of them are really close with Akiko now.

Larry, is retired, about 62 years old, with a 10 year old son who is half thai. They went fishing with us and his kid is extremely well behaved. Larry being older, is very direct anytime, sometimes too much, but I am able to handle all types of people. He is a really nice guy though. I believe his house is in Del Cerro pretty close to you guys.

Akiko and I read his post and were not happy about it but needed to consider the source. This is probably his first evite, and he is now getting used to the Internet. Things do come across much more strongly online than in person. Anyway, no worries, this is a really good group who meet often and all get along with each other. A few other people at the bagel shop, we made sure they were not aware of the shower as we do not consider them to be our friends.

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this little novel. hehehehe. Anyway, apologies for making you concerned but all will be good. Incidentally we caught 6 different kinds of fish. You guys really should go one time. We figure maybe two more weeks we can go. Send email when you can.

Howie and Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey, Akiko and I actually got around to registering as teachers on the site.

Pretty cool. We took a free Thai class today and I taught a practice class. You should join as a student and take some of their free classes. We plan to be at the bagel store from about 7:15 until who knows. Try to come if you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I finished up some of the online store on my SD site. The store is already over 140 pages and all optimized for search and for San Diego products. A bit of a hassle setting it up. Planning to add another hundred pages and features thousands of products. You can click the link on the home page of the SD site if you wanna check it out. Already getting some attention from visitors.

Anyway, need to talk to you about some product information one of these days. This is not an exchange of services. This is something we would pay you for. Now Akiko is finishing up the recipe site. The script she used contained about 8000 files and it the same script used for the United Nations site. Pretty impressive work. She is working on our other sites now. Anyway, we plan to begin producing cooking videos and making products to go along with the recipes she already posted. With much of the site stuff finished the fun begins.

We should meet for dinner and talk about the possibilities. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am busy as usual this weekend. Still working on purchasing the house in Japan.

Now into a new project. After years online finally decided to feature Amazon products on all the sites. Trying to set up the English site and the SD site. Then will begin work on the Japanese site next week. You can check the English site and the SD site to see the beginning stages.

Anyway, the project will entail making about 500 pages per site for a total of 4000 new pages. Actually not necessary to make the pages as the Amazon store is self-contained but decided to make the individual pages to take advantage of the good ranking my sites enjoy in Google. Anyway, back to work. Should meet soon and talk. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. Thanks for the referral. You should put a San Diego California Events link on your page and then I should link back to your site from the resources page. We are now setting up link exchanges on all our sites. Because of reciprocal linking the English site is about 275,000 world ranking and about 27,000 in India. Really incredible. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am going to the Food Fair with Akiko this weekend.

You should join us there.

You can find out more on my personal page.

See you there. Until then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi Guys,
Hey, no problem. We were kind of worried about you preparing stuff for us and then finding out we needed to cancel. Anyway, it sounds like you enjoyed playing together. I am feeling much better. It was weird. No flu symptoms but really lacking in energy. Anyway, we went fishing today and came home. You can read about it on my personal site.
Howie Hayman
Maybe Akiko and I can get together with you guys next weekend. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey guys, This is email number 4 and 5 and we called twice including leaving a message. A bit after 5 now and hopefully you know we are not coming. The wife is hungry and we will be out on the patio eating and not close to the phone. See you another time. Until then.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi again. I thought maybe I should resend this again to both of you this time. Still feeling like crap and need to cancel dinner tonight. Really want to join you guys and go fishing today. You can check my home page for details. Thank you anyway. Some events coming up you might want to join us for. Check my personal home page for details. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. Hey the video was pretty cool. We really like it. Gonna need to cancel tomorrow. Feeling like crap now. Since last night. Thought it was allerigies but maybe flu or something. Going to sleep after writing this. Do not want to infect everyone. Thanks a lot though. Try again for the next weekend. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey, check it out.
Howie Hayman - My Evolution - now online

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Geeeez, for that much money she should do a heck of a lot more....not only promotion. Anyway, you really should take the suggestions sent in the last email. This is all FREE promotion....considerably more cost effective than the talking bimbo. Anyway, this weekend will be really hot. Record temperatures in fact. We plan to go fishing both days. You are welcome of course. Maybe we could do a dinner. Anyway, get with the promotion stuff. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was watching the woman on the site with Akiko. I really like it. Would be even better if she was naked but probably not a good image for your company. Hey, many questions about the technology you are using. The message seems generic and wondering if you wrote it or if a canned thingy from a company.

Now in the middle of sending out personal email to all the groups about the new stuff on the SD site. Every time before it was bulk email. This time sending individual emails. You should get on the SD site any chance you can. This would be excellent exposure for your company.

Go to the home page and scroll down to Sa Diego Friend Connect.

Click Join This Site.

You can join with an existing Google account.

Be sure to add your picture.

Then go to this page and exchange links with my site.

You can add an SD site banner to your links page.

Then submit your link information.

Then go to the classifieds.

Post your company information in the services section.

Be sure to upload your banner to the top list today.

All this is good promotion for you. It is much better if you do these things now before the email to the groups is sent out.

Anyway, your site looks really cool. Going to check in more detail. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am going fishing with Akiko tomorrow at the usual place from about 8 am until 12 pm. Join us if you can. Hey, I set up a link exchange program on the SD site and Google friend connect. You guys should exchange links and join the group now. Going to be really promoting both programs on the SD site to my list of thousands of local emails beginning next week. Definitely in your best interest to do this then everyone will see your company information when they join. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. Yup, we decided to spend some time on the SD site again. Lots of new technology is out now. Adding a link exchange form and other cool stuff. Definitely will talk to Akiko about the shower. Thanks. Been fishing a couple times already. We caught a lot. Maybe going this week. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I wanted to reply much sooner but recently extremely busy with four new sites and with Akiko. Now trying to work out our plans for going to Japan. Anyway, we really enjoyed the dinner the other night. Thanks again. This weekend is the environmental fair in the park. Let me know if you guys want to meet us. Send email when you can.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Welcome back. Akiko and I made an appointment for Tuesday to get the taxes done. Kind of went back and forth on this. The woman works at HR Block and is Japanese. This is good because Akiko can learn about the process. In addition, this year there is a lot of little stuff like being married, self employment and other things. Probably not that difficult to do but the woman is going to charge 250 dollars. Pretty ridiculous. Anyway, still not sure what to do. Really not wanting to bother you with it. Send email with your thoughts when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I plan to get the taxes done next week. Gonna be busy preparing until then. The following weekend we are going to a party. Then we can meet when convenient. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Jim and Linda,

Hi. Akiko and I would like to offer our condolences during this difficult time. Let us know if you need anything. We are doing good and extremely busy with four new sites online. We are spending the next few weeks trying to get as much done as possible. Practically not even checking email these days. Anyway, let us know when you return and we can get together. Talk to you again.

Howie and Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We are working on the sites and getting ready to go to Japan towards the end of this year. Been busy and not going to the bagel shop. We should be pretty caught up after this week and will go occasionally. Yeah, should get together soon. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I thought of a pretty good idea. In exchange for doing the taxes, maybe I could make a 30 second promotional video for your company. Their would be two versions. One would be with the SDCE site stuff at the beginning. The second would be without the SDCE stuff which you could use as a regular advertising spot which could be embedded anywhere on the Internet. Akiko and I really enjoyed the other night. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I worked until late at night and early this morning and finally was able to finish the 44 pronunciation videos. This puts an end to the most time consuming video project to date.

Go to the English site

Click Pronunciation

Then click on any of the lessons to see the videos.

Now I can actually relax today. Akiko and I plan to come over around 3:00 pm today See you then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am taking a few minutes from the crazy project to let you know Akiko and I will be at the bagel shop from 7 am until 8 am but we can stay longer if you plan on coming. Let me know what time you can make it. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was wondering about some specifics for Sunday. Maybe you could go to the bagel store this weekend. We can talk as long as you want now, even until the cows come home. Why?

Because Akiko was laid off today. Yup, she is now among the ranks of the unemployed. This is actually pretty good timing for us though since I need her back on the computer to do techie stuff. The English site is pretty much getting a new record for visitors every night. Now adding tons of content.

Today I was home playing with PlayDoh. Yup, was using it to make a pronunciation model. Pretty funny actually. Check the English site and click on Pronunciation and then on any of the lessons. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I wanna thank you for the concern. Everything is good but incredibly busy. In full video producing mode now. Already 140 videos made for the English site with another 80 on the within the week. The site visitors is hitting a record almost every night now. Akiko is back making Google Gadgets and is planning to quit work if the site visitors continues to go up. Anyway, putting in 16 hour days until the weekend to get as much finished as possible.

Akiko was feeling pretty good up until this week and now pretty wiped out every day. We might come on Sunday but need to let you now towards the end of the week to see if she is feeling better. You can send details if you want. Time, food, people, stuff like that. Anyway, send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin


Hi. I went with Akiko to the baby exam today. It was really nice and everything seems to be good. Yup, we really enjoyed spending New Years with you guys. Quite a hangover the next morning though. We went to the bagel store that morning and stayed for awhile but you came like ten minutes later probably. Yeah, check out the videos with the new clothes. Go the English site and click classroom and then a date on the class schedule. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was wondering what time you want me and Akiko to come tonight. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I really want to thank you for the wonderful dinner the other night and the presents. It really was nice to talk about family stuff again. I put your banner on all of the pages in Area Focus, about 89 pages, and in the classifieds section, about 12 pages. Planning to link directly to the pages from the home page beginning next week. This should give you quite a bit of exposure. Anyway, Akiko is home from work today and tomorrow. She was really not feeling good. I needed to push her to stay home. Ah, the Japanese work ethic. Send email when you can.


Subject: Re: Channuka Sat Nite
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 11:09:55 -0800

Are we still on for this Sat nite 5:00 PM
Candles, Latkas, Brisket, and Wine... oh my!!

Please bring wine ....1 is fine

We are also having a get together
on New years eve
and you are invited

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am going to be at your house about 9 am. Cannot stay long since Akiko and I will be heading up north for the weekend. Anyway see you then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am going out to the bagel shop on Saturday with Akiko. Join us if you can. Either way will come to your place between 9 am and 10 am. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey, sounds good. Will talk to the wife tonight. Probably Saturday after breakfast at the bagel store can go over to your place. You are welcome to join us for breakfast of course. Will send email tonight. Talk to you again.

Subject: Re: RE:
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:01:02 -0800

Weekend would be better during the day
we will be home cleaning up from the storm
Just pick a time ...we will gone in the evenings


We will be having a party New Years Eve FYI

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I uploaded 44 new videos and need to stay in and get these done and find and problems before visitors checking the site. Need to stay close to the computer during this process. Can come over any night this week around 6 pm. Will only stay for a few minutes. Going to be making many changes to the SD site for the New Year and will be adding your banner to many pages. The end of the year is difficult because new to change the copyright year on all the sites. This means changing close to five thousand pages. Pretty automated but still takes time. Anyway, let me know which night we can come over or you can leave the stuff on you entry. Either way, send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. I was wondering if you want us to come over to pick up the stuff. You could also put it in the entry of our place if it is easier. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am sending a couple of banners Akiko made. If you download them, you can get the actual file in the original quality. She used paint and then kept the banner in different formats using another program. If neither of these work, she can use another program which uses the following file extensions.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am going to work with Akiko tonight to make a better quality banner. If not, then maybe plain lettering with the site name would be better. I know people are going to ask where all these materials were made. I want to be able to say your company as this would be excellent promotion for you. This is the whole idea behind this mutual benefit trade of services. Anyway, it will work out eventually. Added the 367 new pages to the English site for the new lessons. All the pages are templates at this point but this was a good project to finish. You can click the classroom link from the home page of the English site and click any date on the class schedule. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I want to get a couple of additional shirts made up. These would also be white but they need to be really sexy for women. Kind of like a camisole shirt which shows a little, um you know. Akiko and I went back and forth on this topic but unfortunately putting youth and sexy on the site really increases the number of visitors. Kind of a commentary on our society but true. The videos with tons of views features Akiko with a pretty sexy shirt. These other shirts will be used in the conversation sketches. Send email with samples when you can. Thanks.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I want to know the time you can meet tomorrow. 8 or 9 is good for us. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I can meet you at the Einstein bagel store in the morning, 8 or 9 is good. Send email. See you then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I need some shirts and stuff made up. Not sure if you would be interested in my proposal but thought I should give you the opportunity. No worries if you are not interested. I am planning to make tons of videos beginning next month. I need shirts and maybe some other stuff made up with the English site information printed on them. I plan to exchange advertising for the cost of the items as many companies like the barter system anytime. If you want to do this, let me know. If not, then again, no worries. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I think we might be interested in the car depending on the price. We are running into a lot of dental expenses the last few weeks. Send information about the car and the price when you can.

These are the vacation pictures.

Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I will be leaving for Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon tonight and returning on Sunday. I am hoping you and your family enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am going to the bagel store with Akiko around 9 this morning. Join us if you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin;
Jim, Linda,

Hey, I really want to thank you for dinner the other night. Akiko and I really enjoyed the game even though the freaking bills messed up again. Anyway, was wondering if you guys can come for dinner this Saturday or maybe early next week. If not then for sure next month. Need to contact your brother about properties in Buffalo. Please send the email address when you can. Thanks. Talk to you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey, the game is actually from 5:30 pm. We can make it to your place at 6:00 pm. We are also going fishing on Satruday from about 9:00 am until maybe 5:00 pm. Supposed to be astronomical tides. Should be interesting. Come out if you can otherwise see you on Monday. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
done. we will bring alcohol and maybe something else. be there at 6:15 on monday. until then.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was wondering if you plan to watch the Buffalo game next Monday night. We do not get ESPN and would like to do a potluck with you guys and watch the game with you if you want. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am really happy with the new windows. Made a total difference in this place. Akiko and I spent the entire day with the installers. Totally worth the money. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am really happy with the new president. Akiko and I watched the election stuff on television that night. We are off on vacation again soon. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I plan to spend this evening going though the election stuff with Akiko. They sure are not making it easy. I am happy Akiko can experience an exciting time in this country. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Akiko and I returned. These are the pictures from the trip.

Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We returned from the trip early today. Akiko and I really enjoyed the last few days but now exhausted. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We are leaving for camping. Talk to you next week. Until then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I forgot to mention that we might be interested in buying your car if you decide to sell it. Akiko seems to like it. Anyway, talk more about this next time. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim, Linda,

Hi. I really want to thank you for the dinner the other night. Akiko and I were happy to spend the New Year with all of you. Hopefully there will be many positive changes in the world this year. We wanted to come to the park but it would have been close to 6:30 pm and we figured it was probably over. Anyway, you guys should come for dinner when you can find the time. Talk to you again.

Howie, Akiko

Howie Hayman
Linda Timlin

Hi. I wanna thank you for the invite. Akiko and I really look forward to seeing you guys too. Incidentally, kitchen remodeling sucks for sure. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. I pick up Akiko at 5:30 and we might be a couple minutes late but should be able to make it on time. Tons of questions to ask you about your kitchen. This remodeling sucks but is moving along quickly. Used chemical stripper and now light sanding and maybe staining next week. Anyway, getting really involved in this bailout thing. Tons to talk about on Monday. Should be lots of fun. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am resurfacing my kitchen cabinets. Now taking off the old varnish. Since the kitchen is gonna be a total mess we are gonna bring wine on Monday. We are bringing a couple really interesting wines this time. Let me know what time on Monday. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. I sent email to Linda earlier. Akiko and I plan to be there. Let us know what you want us to bring. Thanks.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. No problem about the ad. I should be able to find some time to work with you on a new site. Beginning this week, I am sending individual email to every school in the county and over 4,000 email addresses of local and national groups and nonprofits collected over the last couple years. You should get some business from this.

Really would like you to address the possibility of selling products on the site. We will be working with a local company and I prefer it to be yours. Planning to move quickly on this.

Hey, post your business on the top list.

More exposure is better.

The fishing is towards the end of the season but should be good if it stays warm. Akiko and I pretty much caught nothing this year. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I added your company link back on the SD site on the following pages.

This should give you some additional business.

The new Area Focus section is getting a lot of attention, in fact, enough for us to finally begin accepting local advertising. I wanted to finish this section for months and planning to continuously add to it over the next few weeks. Tons of good links.

Anyway, we are now getting ready to set up an online store and feature all things related to San Diego. Need to know if you want to really get together and finally do some real business together.

Akiko and I saw Adam at the store today. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was a bit worried you were upset or something. Nice to know everything is good. We would be happy to come then for dinner.

Akiko and I continue to be busier all the time. We are now looking at houses for investment. I am putting my approximately 16 years of real estate knowledge to use now. We looked at many properties already. I am currently working with an agent, a mortgage company and a bank to put this all together. Really fun but some real crap out there for sure.

In addition, finally finishing up a new Area Focus section of the SD site.

Already getting tons of attention and viewing time from people finding the hidden link in search. We are planning to accept advertising beginning the end of this year.

Anyway, get together when you can. Until then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We are keeping some of your containers for a long time now. I want to bring them over when it is convenient. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I can finally tell you about the new stuff on the San Diego site. I really want you to get in on this as it will be really good for your business. Those links you were clicking for me the other day are called Top Lists. Basically the are an excellent way to bring visitors to your site. The English site posted record visitors the last two nights because of them.

Anyway, I made six new lists and all will be on the SD site tomorrow. I want you to post your company on the SD list tonight if you can. I am in the process of making banners which will be used to record incoming hits. Going to explain more later. For now, go to this link and become a member.

Gonna be online tonight, Send email if there are questions. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I want to discuss many things about the Internet, some which may benefit you a lot in your business. Even better, all free stuff. Installing new technology on the SD site soon. These are top lists which bring tons of visitors to a site. You can see these on the English site. I need a favor. If possible, I need you to go to my English site.

On the home page, in the margins, you will see a few banner links to “Site For Students” and “Sites For Teachers”, about 10 total in both sections. I need you to click each banner which will open up to a new window. After you click and go to the site, you can close the window and then click the next banner, including the little banner with Japanese writing. It should only take a couple minutes to click each banner. Each time you click and go to each top list site, it moves my site up in the ranking. Send email when you are done. Really appreciate it. Will explain more about this in another email. Akiko and I are going fishing again this weekend if you want to go. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Actually Akiko is no problem anytime. She needed to stay home from work today to look after me. Her manager and work people are really cool. Was talking on the phone with them today. Anyway, more about the other stuff when I can think. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Yup, was checked today and pretty messed up with a bladder infection, a throat infection, and freaking chicken pox at the young age of 48 if you can believe it. The bumps are pretty much all over me now especially my head and neck. Akiko is really looking after me but whoa does this whole thing suck. Unbelievably itchy, fever going up to almost 103 and cannot find a comfortable position. Not sure if I mentioned that this sucks. This should put me out of commission for a couple weeks. Anyway, send email with some happy news or a cup of hemlock. Either will take my mind off being confined to this leper colony, AKA the condo. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey Jim,

We need to cancel the dinner tonight. Picked up some kind of flu and running almost 102 and 103 temperature the last couple nights. Another time. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Yup, let us know. Check this page. We are now listed at 49 out of the top 80 Google Gadget developers. There are now tens of thousand of gadgets online.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
No problem anytime. We are trying to figure out the script for our other English site now. Will be an online community similar to MySpace and Facebook but with a focus on English study. In addition, Akiko and I finally decided to go into making a full service Internet company after being approached many times to do work. The company will focus on site design and Google Gadgets, which are really the shit on the Internet now. Should really design a Google Gadget for your company. Let us know about dinner. Talk to you again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I checked out the site. This is my thinking about this type of promotion.

This link is actually a pdf.
You should think about changing this to a standard html page. Many people, using an older version of adobe will be asked to upgrade to the new version or the information will not display properly. For those who do not like pdf files, they will simply close the page and not look at the content.

This link is a bit of a problem too.

Nice you show up on the page for various searches, ie, tee shirts, pens, and other products as Premium Professionals. Was more inclined to click on the Showcase Suppliers as these sites seemed more directly related to the product. Would like to see an actual search window instead of only categories. Actually overall kind of confusing.

In addition, there are not always prices listed. People want instant gratification on the Internet. Really learned this the last few years. They will quickly find another site containing a shopping list which includes prices.

The site is getting more popular but not there now.

The Alexa ranking is 2,625,649.

Compare to my Fun Easy English site at 831,229.

Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I want to thank you for voting for my video in the Summer of Change ’08 video contest. The video took second place.

If you saw the Broadway Musical “Cats”, please go to my review page and write a review. Thanks.

Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey thanks for posting. Was waiting for a guy to make some comments. Akiko and I made Google Gadgets for all the surveys and need to keep the comments coming until Google approves what we sent in.

Thanks for the link. You should check this.

Now our San Diego and English site gadgets are in the to 80 developers worldwide. We are planning to go full into Internet services beginning this summer. Site design, SEO, gadgets and more. These gadgets are a new and incredible market. More when we meet.

We are going to see the Broadway show Cats tonight. We got comp tickets and decided to go. Many things going on now.

Yeah, our one year anniversary is tomorrow. Cool.

Think of a time for dinner. You guys need to come to our place this time. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I really need a favor from you.
I added Fun Easy English Surveys to my English site.
If you can find the time, please vote on all the surveys and then leave comments on the issues which are important to you.
More comments are better.

Your students would like this.
Thank you very much for doing this.

Howie Hayman


Hi. I entered a video in a contest a couple weeks ago.

The video made the final round.

Please go to the following page and vote one more time:

Vote for Video 118 (the video with the dollar sticking out of the car)

Please forward this to as many people as you can.


Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I want to give you some information about the Food Fair this Sunday. It looks like the sun will come out for this event.

Name: 26th Annual Ethnic Food Fair

Location: Balboa Park (international cottages way in the back)

Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Description: Come and enjoy a Spring day at Balboa Park where a cultural food festival will be offering a delicious assortment of ethnic foods plus music, song, and costumed dance performances. While you're there, visit the little cottages and get a glimpse of culture from different countries of the Pacific.

More info:

Akiko and I will be in front of the entertainment stage (in front of the United States cottage) at 10:00 am and 12:00 pm for those of you who want to meet up with us. Everyone is welcome to come back to our place for an after food fair, informal get-together. If anyone is still hungry, we plan to make a run to Windmill Farms grocery store, which is on the way back to the house. Questions or comments, send email. See you there.

Thanks to those of you who voted for my video. If not, PLEASE VOTE at the following address.

Vote for Video 118

Thank you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I really want to thank you for taking the time to vote for my video and forwarding to your friends. We are doing good but freaking busy. Akiko is past the 90 day thing at the company and we can use the benefits next month. I was placed on the Japan Society committee for the upcoming festival. Then of course there is the video contest. Doing crazy promotion for this. Sending out 1200 email per day, the ATT limit, even to international schools and agencies. Getting incredible support from the international community. Many of these companies post jobs on a regular basis and are happy to do this for me since the job boards are free. Anyway, gonna be sending email tonight about the food fair. Thank you again.


Howie Hayman


Hi. Yup, kinda funny. We wanted to know who in the heck was posting a video comment. Mystery solved. Akiko and I decided to look into purchasing a house. Good time to invest. We are hoping to keep getting crap properties and make money on resale. The SD finished the weekend with more traffic than the English and Japanese sites combined. Anyway, getting ready to put more election stuff on the site. Making tons of political connections with this. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I wanted to update you on some Internet stuff. The new technology was installed last night in the form of opinion polls for the upcoming election. I spent the entire day collecting politician email from the registrar of voters site and a ton of other sites which now totals about 16 pages of email addresses. Anyway, began sending email to politicians and they are going crazy voting and sending email to everyone to vote on the polls. The site traffic is already over 10 times the normal amount and probably gonna be much higher tonight. They post and then keep coming back to check the new results.

We are planning an entire election coverage on the SD site beginning next month, including polls, opinion and debate boards, and new Google gadgets. Gonna be crazy. Anyway, I needed to take off all the banners on the home page except for the banners to my other Internet sites as the home page needs to be redone in preparation for the upcoming elections. Needed to get it cleaned up a bit. Things will be back to normal in awhile.

Someone posted a comment about the Passover video. Probably they know you. Check it on this page.

Akiko and I wanna know when you guys wanna come for dinner. Send email when you can. Until then.


Subject: Re:
Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 16:13:33 -0700

Howie and Akiko;

I think I made a mistake

The dinner was to be special for just Linda and Arlene
and I think I stepped on some toes
Doug is doing the cooking and it looks like it may be at Arlenes
I am really not involved Arlenes is pretty small place and seating is at a premium
So I need to resind our invitation because it was not mine to extend

I hope you understand
Please call when you get this

We will make it another time


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. No problem about the dinner. Completely understand. It works out because Akiko and I want to work on some new site technology and then get drunk tonight. hehe. Anyway, check the home page of the SD site. You can vote for your favorite candidate in the upcoming election. Pretty cool. Added this today. You can vote in each poll once on each of your computers. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. I was not sure if Akiko and I should be coming to your house tonight. Call and leave a message at 619-697-1698. Need to talk about product stuff. Talk to you soon. Until then.

Howie Hayman


Hi. I made a video of this band last weekend. They are from Ecuador and been watching them at events for the last couple years. Really good. Go to this page and watch the Khausak video.

We are going to these events.

This weekend - 20th Annual American Indian Culture Days

5/17/08 - Explore Mission Trails Day

5/25/08 - 26th Annual Ethnic Food Fair

You should try to make it.

Send email when you can. Until then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Yeah kinda figured it would suck. After getting booted out last year, we decided not to bother covering the event. Throwing stuff at people is totally cool though. We went to stinko de mayo and really enjoyed the day. Because of the site, we get media parking anywhere we go. We show our business card and get fantastic parking. Good side benefit of the site.

Met a lot of people and trying to finish up four new videos from the event. Akiko and I came home and made BBQ burritos. We polished off a ton of margaritas. Anyway, gonna send you email when the videos are online. The House of India video is already approaching 800 views in only a couple weeks. Talk to you again.


Subject: Re: Weekend
Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 12:29:42 -0700

I did the spring fest because I did not have to pay for the booth
I set up the GNABA booth and Shared it with GNABA
Since I did not pay i was not upset that the event really sucked

I worked from 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM (my relief at noon was late)
I then went home and took a nap till 3:15
and came back at 4 to tear down the booth
The only hilite of the day was riding on the GNABA float IN THE PARADE
and Throwing Rubber hammers at the crowd
I will do that agAIN

Sorry I missied Fishing

@We live 3 blocks from each other we can talk without spending 4.00 on gas
I even talk on the phone
so Please call

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. We waited for you until 1:00 pm and then decided to go back. Good thing you decided to stay home actually. The fishing was not good and it was not warm. Akiko and I went to Old Town for stinko de mayo on Sunday. It was fun and gonna be posting some videos tonight including a video of a really cool performer from Ecuador. Let me know if the Springfest thingy was good or not. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. Akiko and I plan to go fishing at OB from Saturday morning, tomorrow, until the afternoon. Need to talk to you about possibly using your services to sell products. Come and hang out and talk.

Howie Hayman
Jim, Linda,

Hey guys. I was wondering if you saw the Passover Sedar video. Already many views, figured you probably saw it. Time for you guys to come for dinner. Any weekend would be good.

If you want a way to finish all the extra matzo, try the spinach dip from Windmill Farms or the salsa from Vons. Both are good.

Akiko and I will be fishing this Sunday from early in the morning until the afternoon. Gonna be really hot and good conditions for catching. Join us if you can. Until then.


Howie Hayman

Hi. I really wanna thank you for last night. Akiko and I really enjoyed the evening. The video is already finished but I need some names. It would be cool if you can send a quick email with the first names of everyone. Talk again. Until then.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. I made event videos with Akiko this week. The House of India was incredibly happy and the director of Balboa Park, gave us free Indian lunch and invited us to her house for dinner next week. We are becoming good friends. Gonna begin doing this for other groups. You should think about the event tomorrow. We are making a few videos from this. Gonna be thousands attending and a lot of fun. The new camera is awesome. Anyway, go to the home page of the SD site or click the following link.

Watch the videos and tell me what you think. See you tonight.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hey, need to know if you really do not need it in the event it gets messed up. If you can find it before Sunday would be cool. Going to an event in the park and doing an interview. You should go. The house of India is putting on a show and food. Gonna be fun. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey, I want to find a non working but real microphone to use in videos. Send email if you know of anything. Thanks.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Yup, cannot get rid of this thing even for free. Now dismantled and going out in the trash. Anyway talk again.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey thanks. Gonna try a little more to get rid of the dishwasher. Anyway, I know sometime before I mentioned to you about using your driveway to sand the car. Actually decided to forget it and paint over the rough spot and not mess with it anymore. The car was really cheap and after a couple weeks working on the house, decided not to take on any more projects. Gonna begin making tons of videos with the new camera beginning this week and not wanting to spend any more time cleaning and doing stuff like that. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am resending this email with the links. Check it out. Akiko and I enjoyed the wine. Send email when you can.


We are one of the top developers in Google now because of the English site Google Gadgets.
In addition, the English site went from about an 8 million ranking worldwide half a year ago to about 300,000 this week.
This all equates to power on the Internet. The English site is gonna be quite a benefit for our other sites.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
the same gnaba event yeah.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. Welcome back. I spent a week cleaning the house and now ready for you guys to come for dinner. Would be nice to really do some talking about computer and site stuff. Tons of news.

We are one of the top developers in Google now because of the English site Google Gadgets.

In addition, the English site went from about an 8 million ranking worldwide half a year ago to about 300,000 this week.

This all equates to power on the Internet. The English site is gonna be quite a benefit for our other sites.

Anyway, yeah cannot handle those temperatures anymore. Actually was really dry last week and not feeling too good since then.

Thanks for referring the Japanese site.

Send information about the Mission Trails event. Could not find anything on their site as usual.

Send email when you can.

Until then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. I want to know if you wanna go to the parade with us this weekend. Akiko and I went last year and it was really fun. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman
Linda Timlin

Hi. Actually we decided not to go today. With Akiko working now, the weekends are more important for running errands and stuff like that. We spent the entire weekend shopping. The food at your house is delicious anytime. No worries about diet food. We like to eat pretty much anything. Bought tons of cleaning stuff and plan to work on the house beginning this week. You guys can come to our place next. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am not checking email much these days because of site projects. Pretty cool about your Google listing. Wanna know the cost of being listed as a sponsored link. Really wanna talk to you about this next time we meet. Akiko and I spend the entire weekend shopping. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. Yup, Sunday dinner works for us. Hey, I know guests should not be choosey but we realy liked the rice meal with the hot sauce from last time. If you guys are mulling over what to cook, that would be perfect. We are gonna bring the wine. Hey, been
walking every day trying to stick with this freaking diet. Went shopping tonight and bought coffee cake. Shit. Anyway, you should go walking. Really nice out these days. Send email with the time when you can.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I took Akiko for the written driving test today. She passed and will be driving eventually. Thought you should know she will be on the road. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I went with Akiko to get the cars smogged today and it passed with no problem. Yippee. Yup, the Japanese site already has over a thousand links back to the English site and the San Diego site already has links to the other two sites. We are kinda waiting to put banners until more of the Japanese site is complete. I am purchasing 3000 kanji images for $30 to put on the site. This will be incredible. Akiko made a Google gadget. It took two weeks to make. Check it out on the home page of the Japanese site. You can refresh the page and see different scenes of Japan or click on the kanji for more information. Pretty cool. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am not sure if you received a call for a reference for Akiko but either way thanks. Anyway, the job is in Mission Valley, full time from 9 to 530 with really good benefits and free travel. It takes only ten minutes to get there. We were planning to possibly go back to Japan because both of us can easily work there but now we plan to stay. Now I can hang out with you this summer. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I want to tell you that Akiko got a really good job at a travel company in Mission Valley. We are really happy about it. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I suppose everyone is busy these days. We plan to pretty much stay in for the next couple weeks and finish our projects. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman

Hi. I was pretty sure I sent you the link but anyway thanks for the compliment. Tonight I completed adding the Chinese and Japanese reading to the kanji. It too a few days but now done. Now working on adding more stuff. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman

Hi. I am gonna lose weight too. Tons of computer time recently. Anyway, the food section is on the home page. Click food. tons of stuff and videos. You should check out the video award section. Really funny stuff. Send email when you check it out. Until then.

Howie Hayman


Hi. I spent the entire week working on the Japanese site with Akiko. The site is now over a thousand pages.

Check it when you can. Really wanna get together with you. Anytime next week is good. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I am not sure about next weekend at this time. We might be chatting to Japan. Anyway, the Japanese site is a work in progress. A lot more done today. The recipe idea is really good. Anyway, send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I think anytime is good for us to come over. Akiko is going to many interviews now but we are free any nights. You pick the day and time.

The Japanese site is taking tons of time but should be pretty cool when finished.

Anyway, send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I was wondering if you came back. No doubt you are watching the game today. Anyway, we put a couple new domain names online. These are empty sites online for now but we wanted to reserve the domain names.

This will be our online English teaching company using video conferencing technology.

This is pretty much my studying Japanese hobby site which will be built as I study the language again and when Akiko can correct all the mistakes.

Anyway, I wanna see you again and hang out. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman


Hey, I totally understand. Actually I want to be the driver anytime too. Akiko and I like talking on the way up. No problem. Anyway, enjoy your trip and tell me all about it when you guys return.

Thanks for the recipe. Akiko is definitely gonna try to make it.

It seems like your tables are pretty messes up from your description and we decided not to take them. In the process of getting rid of stuff as it is.

My roommate is working on some extra site project and cannot take on any new work for a few weeks.

Anyway, Akiko and I wanna do dinner with you guys again when you get back. Send email when you can.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hey, they won again. Akiko and I spent the weekend watching football again. Kinda happy when the season is over.

Thanks for the information.

Not sure what you mean about electronics stuff.

Probably take the furniture if not too messed up. Maybe we could check it out this week.

About Las Vegas. If you ever drive and want a driver then let me know. You could relax on your trip.

Check the English site. Let me know what you think.


Howie Hayman


Hi. We wanna thank you for the dinner last night. Akiko and I really liked the food and enjoyed seeing you guys again. It was a lot of fun. We want the recipe. Akiko is really comfortable with both of you.

Anyway lots to talk about.

I want the email address for Linda when you can. I wanna says thanks and send some links.

I am waiting for an answer from my roommate about the work.

I wanna know if you guys are driving to Las Vegas this time.

I wanna know when you think you might be making the new site.

Tons of questions. Send email with all the information when you can.


Howie Hayman

Hey, I wanna know the time on Thursday. We are really looking forward to seeing you guys. We plan to bring wine. Then let me know if you guys can drink with us. Send email when you can.

Howie Hayman


Hi. I was wondering if you wanna do dinner this Monday or Tuesday night. Akiko and I could come to your house, since our house is a total mess now. We could make it a pot luck and we could bring some food or something. Would be nice to catch up. Send email and tell me what you think.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I cannot even remember the last time I saw you. Been awhile for sure. Hopefully you and I can get the chance to meet more in the coming year. Anyway, Akiko and I want to wish you, Linda, and the dudes a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.


Howie Hayman

Hi. I wanna thank you for the reference. Akiko can put four nice references on her resume now. I can meet you when you get back. Enjoy.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was way too busy today to call you. The San Diego site is now completely automated and I am working with groups and clubs as they post their events and then I am deleting the events I posted for them. This will take a few weeks to straighten out. The site traffic went up four times since the change.

I am really happy now to be free from reading tons of press releases and reposting the information. Now the groups can do it themselves. When this week is finished, over four thousand emails will be sent out to local and national groups about the new site structure.

Akiko and I actually set up the new classifieds and put it online tonight. Pretty cool stuff.

Incidentally the Alexa worldwide ranking for my FunEasyEnglish site is doing pretty good. We are even in the top twenty thousand range in a couple of countries. Check it out.

Send email when you can. Until then.


Howie Hayman


Hi. I would like to know if Akiko can use your name and Linda as a reference as she begins to apply for jobs. I would need your address and title. Send email when you can. Thanks much for doing this.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin
Hi. Yup, I know all about it. Finally got around to closing the old site and a search site picked it up immediately. Kinda funny. Anyway, the San Diego California Events site will be put on automatic at the end of the year or sooner. The English site is doing really well and can no longer spend time on the SD site. I realize it is very difficult to do business in this city. Many apathic people and changing their minds anytime. Really difficult to get things done. The English site the market is worldwide and much easier to get visitors. Anyway, getting ready for the next holiday. Should meet. Send email again when you can. Until then.

Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin


Hi. Thanks for the offer but not really doing email anymore. Found much better marketing recently. Talk about this more when I see you again.

Incidentally, I added over a hundred pages to the site and a couple of new video lessons this week. Check it out.

We should do a dinner some time. Akiko and I might be making a pot luck party on the 26th or the 27th of this month. Kind of a holiday party too but costumes are optional. Tell me if you think you can make it. Send email when you can. Until then.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin

Hi. I was checking again and the event in Ocean Beach is not until next weekend. Akiko and I plan to go fishing this Sunday, tomorrow, from about 630 am until the afternoon. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman
Jim Timlin


Hi. I could go Saturday but the forecast is for way too much wind and not really warm. The conditions are going to be excellent on Sunday, temperature, tides, and other stuff. We are going Sunday morning from about 6 am until the afternoon. Bring the dudes with you. Should be a lot of fun. We bring plenty of extra equipment if you need anything. Send email and let me know if you can make it and if you need directions. Many things to discuss. Lots of cool stuff going on. We bought a new computer and doing a lot of exciting things. Be nice to meet. Talk to you again.


Howie Hayman


Hi. Akiko and I plan to go fishing on Wednesday until at least the early afternoon. We might go on the weekend but not sure. Try and make it if you can.
