This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.
The information on this page contains the incidents leading up to The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) investigation of Yuka Nakamura. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).

Plaintiff: Howard Hayman

Defendent: Yuka Nakamura - also known as Ypuri (blogs) and Visionary (My Space)

Background: I joined My Space, a popular online community, in May of 2005 as a way to market my English language Internet site. After almost a year, more than 5200 people added me as a friend, most of them English language students. During the last quarter of 2005 Yuka Nakamura (My Space name Ypuri) from Japan, added me as a friend. We began exchanging emails through our My Space email accounts. As both of us were single, we explored the possibility of a relationship together. Yuka eventually asked me for my telephone number. She called two minutes later after I provided her with that information. She then began to call me a few times a week, with each conversation lasting for up to two hours or more (the calls were made from her home telephone number which can be verified by the telephone company in Japan). Yuka then asked if she could come to my home for a few weeks since she was going to be in between jobs. I agreed and she came to my home on 12/17/05 and went back to Japan on 1/29/06. Yuka was involved in a previous relationship before she came to my home. I thought this previous relationship was over but this was not the case. Apparently she was just looking for a cheap vacation but after staying with me, she decided that she wanted to be in a relationship with me. When I declined she became very angry. She told me if I was not with her then she would destroy me and my relationship with my friends. She waited until just before my birthday to do this to me and my friends.

Hacking Incident and dealing with Microsoft and My Space:

• 3/25/06 - There was a dinner party at my house. My friends were playing games on my computer, some of which required downloads and exceptions to the firewall. According to employees at CompUSA, the hacker downloaded spyware. That night was the first night I used that computer (backup computer) to access my Hotmail and My Space accounts.
• 3/26/06 - My computer began malfunctioning. The music in Windows Media Player began skipping.
• 3/27/06 - I was unable to type my windows password to gain access to the computer. The computer keyboard typed two letters for every letter typed.
• 3/28/06 - The computer would no longer turn on.
• 3/28/06 - My account in My Space was deleted.
• 3/28/06 - I could not gain access to my Hotmail account. The password was changed.
• 3/28/06 - I wrote to Microsoft to give me access to my Hotmail account. They sent a form email with three options. Change the password using the old password (obviously I did not know this), answer my secret question (which the hacker had already changed), send the password to my alternative email address (which was not set up originally).
• 3/29/06 - I wrote to Microsoft again to give me access to my Hotmail account. They sent a form email with three options. Change the password using the old password (obviously I did not know this), answer my secret question (which the hacker had already changed), send the password to my alternative email address (which was not set up originally).
• 3/30/06 - I wrote to Microsoft again to give me access to my Hotmail account. They sent a form email with three options. Change the password using the old password (obviously I did not know this), answer my secret question (which the hacker had already changed), send the password to my alternative email address (which was not set up originally).
• 3/31/06 - I wrote to Microsoft again to give me access to my Hotmail account. They sent a form email with three options. Change the password using the old password (obviously I did not know this), answer my secret question (which the hacker had already changed), send the password to my alternative email address (which was not set up originally).
• 3/31/06 - I received email from Microsoft requiring me to answer questions about my account in order to release the account. I answered the questions and returned the email.
• 4/1/06 - Microsoft (Tyrone) finally sent a link allowing me to change the password and gain access to my Hotmail account.
• 4/1/06 - I was able to get into the account and transferred my important files to my other account. The hacker was online and was able to change the password again without my knowledge. There was not enough time to change the secret question.
• 4/1/06 - I sent another email to Microsoft again requesting that they simply delete the account.
• 4/1/06 - Microsoft (Mary) sent email apologizing for the delay with instructions on deleting the account but still they did not give me access.
• 4/2/06 - I sent email to Microsoft again requesting that they send the link to change the password.
• 4/2/06 - Microsoft (Don) sent a link allowing me to change the password and gain access to my Hotmail account again.
• 4/2/06 - I accessed and deleted my account.
• 4/3/06 - My friends continued to receive email from my account even though the account had been deleted. I sent email to Microsoft explaining that the hacker reopened the account and requested again that they close the account.
• 4/4/06 - Microsoft (Lindsey) sent a link allowing me to change the password and gain access to my Hotmail account again.
• 4/4/06 - I got into the account again and changed the password, the secret question, the secret answer, and this time figured out the way to change the alternate email address. I was now in total control of my hotmail account. The email from the hacker stopped immediately.
• 4/6/06 - I tried to file a complaint with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) but two of the fields on the form were not working. I sent email to their tech support about the problem.
• 4/7/06 - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - I was able to use the online form and file a complaint with The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
Complaint Id: I0604071549014361
• 4/8/06 - I sent email to Yuka, again asking her to apologize for this incident but she did not reply to the email.
• 4/8/06 - I sent a final email to Yuka, again asking her to apologize for this incident but she did not reply to the email. I was willing to forget everything with a simple apologize. Now I intend to follow this through.
• 4/10/06 - Yuka made another email account and sent email to Akiko in Japanese in another attempt to split us up.
• 4/11/06 - Yuka's IP address was found to be the originating IP address in my Hotmail account. Yuka Nakamura IP address
• 4/11/06 - Yuka's IP address was found to be the originating IP address in new email account. Yuka Nakamura IP address
• 4/12/06 - Yuka was once again able to get my account in My Space deleted. I sent email to My Space customer service and again they are taking no action. She put defamatory comments about me on her profile page. Yuka's My Space Profile Page
• 4/12/06 - I spoke with the local San Diego office of the FBI today. They are proceeding with the case and will assign an agent who will contact me in the near future.
• 4/12/06 - My Space customer service finally sent email and began investigating Yuka's account.
• 4/12/06 - My roommate, Takumi Sudo, called and spoke with Yuka's Dad, in an attempt to get her off the Internet. According to Takumi, it appears that he is not at full mental capacity and was unable to grasp or even show interest in this situation.
• 4/13/06 - My roommate, Takumi Sudo, called and spoke with Yuka's Mom, in an attempt to get her off the Internet. According to Takumi, it appears that she is very reasonable and this might be able to affect her in some way.
• 4/13/06 - My Space customer service could not find proof of Yuka's comments since she deleted them after the call was made to her parents.
• 4/13/06 - My Space customer service requested the FBI contact information.
• 4/13/06 - My Space customer service again requested additional information.
• 4/20/06 - Yuka continues to avoid the Internet and is not posting new information on blogs or in My Space. Yuka appears to be hiding now.

Emails sent by the Yuka:

3/30/06 - 08:05:59 -0800 - hello girls
4/1/06 - 00:18:32 -0800 - FW:
4/1/06 - 00:19:16 -0800 - Guess who am I?
4/1/06 - 00:19:51 -0800 - RE:
4/1/06 - 00:20:49 -0800 - RE:
4/1/06 - 00:21:31 -0800 - RE: mou akan...neru
4/1/06 - 00:22:08 -0800 - RE:
4/1/06 - 00:22:33 -0800 - RE:
4/1/06 - 00:22:59 -0800 - RE: The Saga of Marie
4/1/06 - 07:38:32 -0800
4/1/06 - 18:21:29 -0800
4/1/06 - 18:22:12 -0800 - gals collections
4/1/06 - 18:31:08 -0800 - pictures
4/2/06 - 11:19:50 -0700
4/3/06 - 04:52:30 -0700
4/3/06 - 04:53:06 -0700
4/3/06 - 08:42:53 -0700 - precious?
4/3/06 - 13:56:09 -0700
4/10/06 - 10 Apr 2006 04:39:20 +0900

Note: Individual emails will be forwarded to the appropriate government agencies upon request.

The Hacker's Identity Revealed:

• 4/4/06 - I was able to identify the hacker.

I was given access to my Hotmail account once again. I changed the secret question again which had again been reset to 初めて就職した会社 (The meaning in Japanese: What is the name of the first company you worked at).

I was still unable to find the link in Hotmail for changing the alternative email address which the hacker continued to use to get back into the account. Hotmail does not provide an obvious link path for changing the alternative email address. I found a link on the Internet which provided instructions for changing the alternative email address in Hotmail.

When I went to change the alternate email address in my Hotmail account, I found the following address.
This was the address the hacker was using.

I then recognized that the name true—life matched the name of Yuka’s personal blog at the following URL.

I went to the hackers email account and checked the secret question and it matched the secret question the hacker used in my Hotmail account.
初めて就職した会社 (The meaning in Japanese: What is the name of the first company you worked at).

I then went to My Space and did a search using this email address.

The following URL showed up.

I clicked the link and then clicked profile and the following profile showed up but was locked and used the display name Visionary.

I then searched for the name Ypuri (Yuka's old My Space display name) in Google and found some of her My Space friends from her previous account at the following addresses.

I checked some of the comments on her previous friend's pages and found that she added them as friends in her new account, Visionary, and had written numerous comments. Yuka is usually unemployed, lives at home with her parents, spends countless hours on the Internet, and usually leaves many comments on friend's pages. I read through the comments and found that she had signed at least two comments with the name Yuka.
Click to view the comments in My Space showing Yuka's name

This confirmed 100 percent that she was the owner of the following email account and that she was in fact the hacker. The following email address matched the email address used as the alternate email address in my Hotmail account, the email address used in My Space and the name true-life matched the name of Yuka's long time personal blog.

Additional information: It was confirmed that the email sent to my friends using my Hotmail account contained the originating IP address which exactly matched Yuka's IP address in Japan. Another email sent to a friend from a new account Yuka set up also matched the IP address exactly.
Yuka Nakamura IP address

Yuka also subscribes to the following blogs.!B555C299A9EE0497!1966.entry

Additional information: Yuka had posted her naked pictures in her My Space account before and was not ashamed to send them to my friends. She wrote all of the hacker's emails as if she was also a target of the hacker. There was knowledge in the hacker's emails that was not contained in the emails in my Hotmail account. Some of the information which Yuka knew, even some of my friends did not know. Yuka's purpose was to destroy the relationships with my friends. Out of the more than 100 email addresses in my Hotmail contact list, Yuka picked the few friends who she knew I am closest to in order to do as much damage as possible. She defamed the reputation of several friends in the emails she sent and forwarded private information about them to many of my contacts.


Internet Crime Complaint Center - The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).
Internet Crime Complaint Center - File a Complaint
Internet Crime Complaint Center - Complaint Referral Form
Department of Justice
Department of Justice Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Copy of email sent to my friend from my Hotmail account showing the originating IP address as Yuka's IP address.

Copy of email sent to my friend from a new account Yuka set up showing the originating IP address as Yuka's IP address.