This is a story about an
international couple raising and home educating three
young boys in Japan, while dealing with
climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages
are about pretty much anything and everything all guided
by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes,
Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our
ongoing adventure.
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I decided to take a few moments from working on my Japanese
kanji pages. Why?....because I had trouble sleeping last
night. Why?....because I could
not get this image (see picture) out of my head. This guy
broke into the capitol building, and then into Nancy
Pelosi’s office, sat in her chair, and put his
boots up on her desk. Nancy Pelosi, a U.S. Congresswoman,
has been leading the fight to help protest the rights of people like this
guy. the doors. I got shoved in. I didn't mean to be there. Hell.
I was walking around looking for a bathroom." But yet he
forgot about the bathroom and made himself at home in her
And yet there it is, one of the most awful desecrations of
American democracy I have ever seen, especially with the
shoes up on her desk.
And I could not help but wonder why all the law enforcement,
federal troops, or whoever, could not keeps these
out of the capitol building. Things were sure a lot
different when the peaceful “Black Lives Matter” protesters
were tear-gassed, and beaten, without even having breached
The White House grounds. And why isn’t Trump being
immediately thrown out of office. He has a couple more weeks
to incite more riots, causing more death and destruction.
actor, sports figure, politician, or anyone else in the
public eye, and do even the slightest crime, your career is
over….no questions, no second chances….done.
Politicians (public servants), actors and sports players
(idols for young kids), and other public figures, have a
social obligation to provide a good example or model to
those young minds who look up to them and model their
behavior after them. But Americans don’t seem to think this
way. NFL players who get caught with drugs, knock the shit
our of their wives, and even commit murder, are back out on
the field again making millions of dollars white the average
citizen would be put away for years. Trump should have been
removed from office years ago.
I really feel sorry for the next administration. They have a
nearly impossible task at hand. America continues to be
divided. Americans continue to own guns. Mass shootings and
terrible crimes continue to occur. A wide variety of social
problems such as discrimination, drug abuse, unemployment,
homelessness, disenfranchisement, to name a few, are running
rampant. And what do Americans do….they write letters, they
march, they light candles, and they cry. The next day they
wake up and wait for the next news story. These white
supremacist crazies get heard because they act, um, crazy.
No, I am not suggesting this is the way to make change, I am
simply suggesting it takes action, by a large group of
people, to get anything done.
Educated “normal” Americans have a great many weapons at
their disposal. Wanna see changes? Keep your kids out of
school, completely boycott any companies supporting white
supremacists, don’t attend any more football games, etc. AND
OF COURSE, KEEP ON VOTING. The point being nobody gives a
shit about marches and prayers or anything anymore. People
keep dying, crimes continue to be committed, and nothing
gets solved.
Pretty easy to blame Trump for this mess. Is he really the
problem?….well yes and no. Trump was merely a catalyst. He
created an open forum for the millions of Americans who
already harbored feelings of hate and discrimination. Pretty
easy to blame only Trump when the real problem lies in a
society that values things over people, and individual
actions over morality. Being in Japan for all these years
really opened my eyes in many ways. Living in a society were
individual actions are governed by right and wrong (Japan)
and not by rules and regulations and the fear of being
caught (America), has made me realize that the problems in
America lie within the people. Morality is not taught in the
schools, and certainly no longer taught at home.
I WANT to be positive, but I NEED to be realistic….nothing
is going to change until Americans themselves change. A
shooting where a single person dies….there should be no more
guns, a person who commits a crime….a career should be over,
a person with no home….take money from the military and help
these people out, and a person who hates….well I really have
no solution for this....a hug maybe?
Anyway, I could not work today without posting something. I
am pissed off, and well, whatever at this point. Good luck America.
Exhausted from all this and decided to post this here
instead of making a separate page. I actually have friends
in America and in Japan who think the 2020 election involved
fraud and the D.C. Capitol Building insurrection was
orchestrated by Antifa. Gosh, people will believe anything
they read in any biased news sources they choose. Way too
fed up with these opinions and the lack of proof to back up
their baseless claims. BTW -
do the idiots in the picture look like they even remotely
possess enough intelligence to mastermind a takeover of
anything?....simply a bunch of white idiot Trump
supporters with nothing better to do that day.
For those of you who believe these
ridiculous conspiracy theories,
try reading the truth for a change. .
The following are a few suggestions for your enlightenment.
The mob that stormed the Capitol consisted of some of
Trump's longtime and most fervent supporters, coming from
across the United States. The mob included
Republican Party officials and
political donors,
far-right militants, and
white supremacists. Some
individuals came heavily armed. Included in the group were
some convicted criminals, including a man who had been
released from a Florida prison after serving a sentence for
attempted murder. Supporters of the
boogaloo movement, the
Traditionalist Worker Party, the
Three Percenters, the
Proud Boys, the
Oath Keepers,
QAnon, the
Groyper Army, and
national-anarchism, as well as
Holocaust deniers, among
others, were present during the riot, with some wearing
emblematic gear. Neo-Nazi and
Völkisch-inspired neopagan apparel
was also worn by some participants during the riots,
including a shirt emblazoned with
references to the Auschwitz–Birkenau concentration camp
and its motto, Arbeit macht frei (German for "work makes you
free"). After the storming of the Capitol, two white
nationalists known for racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric
streamed to their online followers a video posted on social
media showing a man harassing an Israeli journalist seeking
to conduct a live report outside the building.
Some participants wore shirts
bearing the abbreviation 6MWE, standing for “6 Million
Wasn't Enough", a reference to the number of Jewish people
who were killed in the Holocaust.According to the FBI, the majority of
individual participants in the riot who appeared on its
terrorist watchlist "are suspected white supremacists."
Following the event, members of the
Nationalist Social Club, a neo-Nazi street gang,
detailed their participation in the storming and claimed the
acts were the "beginning of the start
of White Revolution in the United States".
I gave up posting about the happenings in America a few
years ago when we permanently returned to Japan….what was
the point of posting anymore? I continued to read the news
though, religiously every night, about an America that I no
longer knew. Then I read the news today, in disbelief, about
the protests in Washington. WTF???? There is going to be a
democratic president and now the dems control congress and
the senate, but you know what?, nothing is going to change,
not as long as almost half the population supports someone
like Trump. Anyway, kudos to a few of the late night show
hosts who went on national TV and condemned the events of
“Hey, Republicans who supported this president, especially the ones in the joint
session of Congress today, have you had enough? After five years of coddling
this president’s fascist rhetoric, guess whose followers want to burn down the
Reichstag? Because today, the U.S. Capitol was overrun for the first time since
1814, and a woman died. Who could have seen this coming? Everyone?”
“This is the most shocking, most tragic, least-surprising thing I’ve ever seen.
… I really do hope you’re enjoying those tax cuts. And those judges, because
those judges are working hard. They’re going to be busy throwing these idiots in
jail. And by ‘idiots,’ I include the Republicans who let this happen, like you,
Senator Josh Hawley, raising your stupid fist to the mob outside the Capitol. …
Obviously, he has to keep his fist closed, because if he opened it, you would
see all the blood on his hands.”
“But all of this Republican-generated chaos led to an evacuation of the
chambers. And legislators were hustled to secure locations to shelter in place.
A question for the Republican senators who helped foment this insurrection:
Why’d you run away? I mean, these are your peeps! They love you. Why didn’t you
hang out with your buddies, Marsha Blackburn? Kelly Loeffler? Ron Johnson? John
‘not that Kennedy’ Kennedy? You can run all you want for the rest of your lives,
but you can never escape the responsibility of what you brought upon American
democracy today.”
Jimmy Kimmel
“This is not the sort of thing I ever imagined would happen in this country in
my lifetime. The president of the United States, because he is too angry, too
insecure, and too incompetent to deal with the fact that he lost an election, a
fair election, an election that was no different than any other election, an
election he lost by 7 million votes and 70 electors, turns an angry mob against
members of Congress and his own vice president. Not to mention endangering the
Capitol Police, those blue lives he claims matter so much to him.”
“After almost two hours of rioting on the Capitol, the National Guard was called
in. Slowly. The police were very laid-back compared to the Black Lives Matter
protests. Some were seen taking selfies with the criminals. Others seemed to
welcome them through the gates.”
“It was a terrible day in the history of this country. Our president and the
scumbags who have kept this ‘stolen election’ charade going — and that’s you,
Josh Hawley, that’s you, Ted Cruz — either intentionally or just wildly
irresponsibly, lit these fires to start a war just to distract us from the fact
that Donald Trump lost the election. Ted Cruz, this guy doesn’t even believe the
election was stolen. He knows better than that. He’s so hungry for political
power, he’s so desperate to be liked and supported by these nuts who think Joe
Biden is a Chinese agent and Satan is trying to force them to wear masks to the
mall, so that one day he can be president, he’s willing to roll the dice on a
civil war.”
“Same with Josh Hawley, who had a very friendly wave with the invaders today.
Same with Kevin McCarthy and Rudy Giuliani, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and
especially Donald Trump. These people are not Americans. There’s no ‘we the
people,’ there’s ‘me the people.’ And that’s it.”
Jimmy Fallon
“This is what happens when there is no peaceful transition of power and what
happens when there is bad leadership. This is not how you lose. If my
grandfather were alive today and saw what was happening in the country that he
fought for, he’d be disgusted. People walking around with the flag upside down
thinking they’re patriotic. Today was not patriotism. Today was terrorism.”
“President Biden also said something after his speech that hit me even harder:
He said, ‘Enough is enough is enough.’ And I believe that is what a majority of
this country has been saying, has been screaming, for a long time now. Enough is
enough. Today was a disgrace. Today was disappointing. But, sadly, today was not
a surprise.”
James Corden
“What a crazy, sad day. A day that will go down as a dark one in the long
history of America. We’ve all sat today glued to the pictures of Trump’s
supporters breaching the Capitol, fighting with police, shouting in the chambers
of Congress or flagrantly popping off a selfie as they sit with their feet up in
the government’s offices.”
“Then, under the pretense of trying to calm the situation, their hero, the
president, released a message this afternoon to tell those supporters, ‘You’re
special, we love you.’ I wouldn’t want to even imagine his treatment or response
to those people, if they had they been wearing Black Lives Matter hats instead
of red MAGA ones.”
“In two weeks, on those same steps where that mob fought and pushed past the
police, the people who encouraged and instigated that violence — Donald Trump,
his children, Rudy Giuliani — they’re all going to need a tourist pass to get
in. Because they’ve lost the presidency, they’ve lost the House, and now they’ve
lost the Senate. … Today was their last dance at the worst party any of us have
ever been to. So if you can, have hope.”