This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

Comments or questions about this blog?....message me at Facebook.
Blackout After Inauguration Official Page

This is your chance to do something that will make a difference.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 20, 2017
Blackout and flying of the flag at half mast on Facebook
All Stand Together Now

We all need to stand together NOW, before it's too late. America has now entered what will be the darkest period in the history of this great nation. Donald Trump has become the president of the United States of America, we cannot change that.

What we can change is the level at which this man, and his administration, will be able to control our lives and take away those things which mean the most to us, such as: personal freedom, safety for our families, the right to affordable health care, and preservation of our natural resources.
This is but a precursor of worse things to come
What Can I Do?....Plenty

Aside from the possibility of impeachment, Trump is here to stay, at least for the next four years. The policies he sets forth in his upcoming presidency will effect all of us now, and for years into the future.

You might be asking yourself, "What can I do?", and the answer is plenty. We all have little power as individuals to make changes to this new administration, but collectively, we can make it difficult, even impossible, for Trump to do many of the things he is planning. Now is the time to stand together and show Trump, and his band of bigoted billionaires, that all the money in the world cannot suppress the wills and desires of the people. We have it within ourselves to take actions that will severely affect the financial, and social sectors of our society, and send a message to those controlling us that their controls are, in reality, very limited.
What can you do specifically?
Beginning January 20, 2017 - Change Your Facebook Page

The way you change your Facebook page is a personal decision, and up to you, of course. The following are the ways I plan to change my page, to show that this country is in distress, and to show I am unwilling to ever except Trump as my president, and as someone who will set policies which will affect my family and friends now and in the future.
My Plan
  • My Facebook Cover Photo - I plan to upload a photo with a totally black background with only a graphic of an American flag flying at half mast....showing the country is in distress and in need of help.
  • My Facebook Profile Photo - Basically the same as my cover photo....a totally black background with only a graphic of an American flag flying at half mast....showing the country is in distress and in need of help. This is actually a much more powerful option as your profile photo will show up across Facebook on the pages of others.
Result - Who knows, but at least it will show the extent of the Facebook population who are not going to support Trump, his administration, or his policies.
My Examples

These are the graphics which will be posted on my Facebook page as of January 20, 2017, after the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump. These graphics were already tested and fit perfectly in the spaces provided on a typical Facebook page. You are welcome to copy these graphics and use them on your pages if you desire. The more continuity we show, the stronger the message will be. If you come up with better graphics or any different ideas, please post them on this page. Thank you for making a difference.
My Facebook Cover Photo
My Facebook Profile Photo