This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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Obama, Clinton SHOULD NOT attend the Inauguration

I read the news that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were planning to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, and my stomach turned. Talk about an act destined to create apathy among future voters, and diminish the Democratic party to what it really is....a party of faux politicians unable and unwilling to stand up to the likes of Trump and his billionaire pals. Funny really, but this is the first time for me to get involved in politics. I simply felt the need to do something due to the recent chain of events, which are so incredibly absurd, that even a political fiction writer would be hard pressed to write anything as outlandish as what has become of America during the past few months. Then to add insult to injury, Obama, who I proudly voted for, and Clinton, who....well never mind, decided to go and kiss The Donald's ASS on inauguration day. Total bullshit....explanation follows.
Inauguration Facts

It might interest some of you to know that the inauguration procedure is governed by tradition rather than the Constitution, the only constitutionally required procedure being the presidential oath of office (which may be taken anywhere, with anyone in attendance who can legally witness an oath, and at any time before the actual beginning of the new president's term). Traditionally, the president-elect arrives at the White House and proceeds to the inaugural grounds at the United States Capitol with the incumbent president. Around or after 12 noon, the president takes the oath of office, usually administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, and then delivers the inaugural address.

Did you know the incumbent president is not legally required, in any way, to attend the inauguration ceremonies of the incoming president? Actually there were three incumbent presidents who refused to accompany the president-elect: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Johnson.
Barack Obama

I can remember how good it felt to finally get an African American president to occupy the White House, especially someone like Barack Obama. His eloquence, intellect, poise, and charisma, made me proud to be American once again, knowing that someone of his character, would be representing Americans both domestically and abroad. I thought this might be the turning point America needed.

Now fast forward eight years and a new type of man runs for, and becomes president....Donald Trump. During his run for the presidency, Trump made accusations that Obama should not have been allowed to be president, falsely claiming he was not born in the United States. He made derogatory remarks about his wife Michelle. To make matters worse, since becoming the president elect, Trump has vowed to undo all the advances Obama made during his eight years as president, including stripping health care away from millions of Americans, reversing years of progress towards reducing global warming, and ending environmental regulations put in place to protect our natural environment for generations to come. Think this was enough to piss off Obama?....apparently not.

I get it, I really do. The reason Obama is attending the inauguration is because he feels he is morally, kind of, obligated to do so. Um, you know, the peaceful transition from the incumbent president to the incoming president, evidence of a healthy democracy....blah blah blah blah. Maybe Obama simply wants to show he is politically correct, oxymoron, and also let the world see he is so far above Trump, that he can show up to the inauguration without raising any eyebrows. Then again, he might be the weak man he appears to be, and cannot stand on his principles and show his disgust for a man he knows, all too well, is on the road to destroying this country. Obama needs to show respect for those of us who stood by him during the last eight years, and show now that he is ready to stand by us in these desperate and uncertain times.

Hillary Clinton

Okay, I was never a fan of the Clintons, in particular Hillary, who I thought was a hypocrite, a career politician who was only out for her own interests, and a woman who simply could not be trusted. The presidential election of 2016 was an incredible disappointment when the only two in the running were Clinton and Trump. I did not vote for either of them.

Even though I am not a Hillary fan, I could not help but feel sorry for her, at least a little bit, because of the bashing she endured from Trump during their fight for the presidency. Calling her a "nasty woman", bringing the sorted affairs of her husband back into the public light, and a host of other lies he, and his conservative far right pals manufactured, was uncalled for and showed what an arrogant, ignorant, and self centered man Trump really is.

And then it was announced that Hillary Clinton was planning to attend the inauguration of Trump this month. Okay at least Obama is the incumbent president and has a semi excuse for attending, but Clinton was the loser in an ugly battle and has no business going to the inauguration of Trump. She is going to stand there, and shake hands with, and smile at a man, who stands for everything she is against. Hillary will be showing her support for Trump, who has literally made a career using, degrading, and demeaning women.

The worst thing of all is, Hillary will be totally betraying the millions of Americans who supported, funded, campaigned, and ultimately voted for her. What a slap in the face it is to her supporters. In addition, this will greatly diminish the Democratic Party in ways that cannot possibly be imagined. The party will be viewed as weak and unable to stand up to the arrogant and aggressive conservative Republican regime.

Additional Reading