This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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Department of Indoctrination

The new Secretary of the Department of Education Indoctrination is Betsy DeVos. She will now hold a position which will affect public schools and the education of our children.

Devos is a proponent of voucher programs which will allow private schools to use public dollars to teach church doctrine that is at odds with public policy. For example, that women must be submissive to men, that homosexuality is evil, that birth control is a sin, and that creationism is scientifically sound.
Voucher schools are private schools that have applied for a state-funded program that pays tuition for some or all of its student body. Because they are defined as “private,” voucher schools operate by separate rules, with minimal public oversight or transparency. They can sidestep basic constitutional protections such as freedom of speech. They do not have to provide the same level of second-language or special-education services. They can suspend or expel students without legal due process. They can ignore the state’s requirements for open meetings and records. They can disregard state law prohibiting discrimination against students on the grounds of sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or marital or parental status. (Source: LA Times)

The best way to force change is to pull your kids out of school. If you have the time and money....there is no better time to become a home education family than now. When kids stay out of school the schools lose funding, and nothing will send a louder message to the Department of Education that Betsy DeVos is the wrong choice, than hitting them in the pocketbook.

The following are links to the Department of Education and Betsy DeVos Twitter accounts. Keep a close watch on DOE policy changes, and DeVos tweets. Change is coming.
Betsy DeVos

Meet the current head of the Department of Indoctrination

In the guise of governmental noninterference in religious matters, the voucher program she proposed, would have allowed private schools to use public dollars to proselytize and teach church doctrine that is at odds with public policy — for instance, that women must be submissive to men, that homosexuality is evil, that birth control is a sin, and that creationism is scientifically sound. Great for America that Trump is out as president but incredibly happy to see this woman is going out with him. She was one of the most dangerous people in his administration, after all, she was in the position to control the education of America's kids.
Additional Reading