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President Donald Trump, "The Sociopath"

President Donald Trump has been called many things since becoming the leader of the free world, and out of all the labels placed on this man, sociopath might very well be the most descriptive. During his campaign for president, and certainly after assuming the office of the presidency, Trump has been exhibiting behavior which is socially unacceptable, and especially unbefitting a man in his position. It often amazes me there is no requirement for the psychological testing of a president, after all, this is an individual, who on a whim, can initiate world war III, with the utterance of only a few words.
I am not a professional psychologist, and quite honestly, not very well versed in the science of psychology at all, but any rational thinking human being can easily see Trump has a problem, or many for that matter, which are certainly manifested in his behavior and in the way he is running this country. I thought it might be interesting, if not fun, to poke around a few sites, learn a little, and see if our president is fit to hold office. After hours of research, and even more time on analysis, I came to the conclusion that President Donald Trump is a SOCIOPATH....explanation follows.
What are the characteristics of a sociopath?

During my travels through the online world of psychology, I discovered 12 personality traits which are considered applicable to someone diagnosed as a sociopath. Out of these 12 traits, it comes as no surprise, that all them perfectly fit our new president. This is of course my opinion, but read the list and decide for yourself. Vladimir Putin has been labeled as somewhere between a sociopath and a it any wonder that Putin and Trump are best pals.
  • Charming - Polite, friendly, and likable.
  • Intelligent - Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level.
  • Shamelessness - Lacking any sense of shame.
  • Narcissistic - Having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.
  • Manipulative - Characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person.
  • Compulsive Liar - Someone who lies out of habit.
  • Immature - Having or showing emotional or intellectual development appropriate to someone younger.
  • Egotistical - Excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself, or self-centered.
  • Umbrageous - Inclined to take offense easily.
  • Equanimous - In full control of your faculties during a crisis.
  • Temperamental - Gets angry easily, or changes from one mood to another very quickly.
  • Aggressive - Characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives.
Side Note - By his own admission, Donald Trump claims to have borderline OCD. Trump calls shaking hands "one of the curses of American society" and said, "I feel much better after I thoroughly wash my hands, which I do as much as possible." It is also said that he refuses to touch the 'G' (for 'ground floor') button in elevators because too many other people touch it, leaving it infested with germs. He also believes that teachers are particularly germ filled people, and once said: "I'm going to do everything in my power not to shake hands with teachers." "They have 17,000 germs per square inch on their desks. That's ten times the germ rate of other professions."
Do the actions of the real world Trump make him a sociopath?

Well it certainly is easy to sit behind a computer, search for a bunch of adjectives, and hypothesize that someone is a sociopath. It is an entirely different matter to find real world examples of why Trump fits the definition of each adjective, and why, with very little doubt, he could easily be classified as a sociopath.
  • Charming - Polite, friendly, and likable. No matter what you think of "The Donald", you gotta admit this guy has some strange form. Possibly a requirement in order to achieve the level of fame Trump has acquired throughout his career as a businessman and as a realty show owner and host. A person doesn't necessarily need to be nice in order to be considered charming, as is the case with Trump.
  • Intelligent - Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level. Again you don't rise to his level of success without some semblance of intelligence. Gotta give Trump at least the IQ level of a stalk of broccoli. In business, he has shown enough savvy to put together a business empire valued in the vicinity of four billion dollars.
  • Shamelessness - Lacking any sense of shame. Simply take a look at his first week as president to realize shamelessness could be his middle name. His immigration ban, which included holders of valid visas and green cards, showed no regard, or feeling for that matter, for the people whose lives he was tearing apart. Students who could not return to their classes, skilled professionals who could not resume their positions, and family members who were forcefully separated from their families.
  • Narcissistic - Having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. The photo ops, the gestures, and what about that hair? This guy is the poster child for narcissistic behavior. Trump is obsessed with himself and his name, which he prominently displays at every opportunity. Everything he does is on a grandiose scale, always expecting attention and adulation for his achievements.
  • Manipulative - Characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person. Um, the unscrupulous control of a situation or person? How about an entire country. Trump was able to manipulate the minds of almost half the American population, based on the popular vote results, into thinking he was the best choice for president of the United States. Once elected, he continues to manipulate those same minds by making strategic decisions to appease his supporters.
  • Compulsive Liar - Someone who lies out of habit. Trump wouldn't know the truth even if it was standing two feet in front of him. This particular trait describes Donald perfectly. Saying he had proof that former president Barack Obama was not an American citizen, denying over and over any misconduct in his business dealings, falsely alleging that illegal immigrants voted in the presidential election thereby skewing the popular vote results, and insisting more people attended his inauguration than the number who attended that of former president Obama, even though all evidence pointed to the contrary.
  • Immature - Having or showing emotional or intellectual development appropriate to someone younger. Can you say much younger? Can you also say, I am the president of the United States and use my Twitter account like a first year high school student? For the leader of the free world to be tweeting his emotionally laden thoughts is not only ridiculous, it's absolutely dangerous. While still the president elect, Trump tweeted the following on December 22, 2016, "The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes." Nothing like initiating an arms race on a whim and with the press of the tweet button.
  • Egotistical - Excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself, or self-centered. If Trump were to teach pronouns to a group of ESL students, he would undoubtedly inform them the only pronouns in the English language are ME, MYSELF, AND I....oh yeah....and MINE. Simply look at the way this guy takes center stage wherever he goes. Who can forget the visit of the prime minister of the U.K., Theresa May, in January 2017, when she stood next to Trump at a press conference and was almost completely ignored while Trump stole the spotlight. And even better was his treatment of his own wife, Melania, who on Inauguration Day, was abandoned to fend for herself as her self-centered husband walked out of the car, leaving her behind to be assisted by former president Obama and his wife Michelle. Trump is the ultimate loser.
  • Umbrageous - Inclined to take offense easily. I cannot even count on the hands of all the members of congress, the number of times someone "offended" Trump since the beginning of his run for the presidency. His uncanny ability to twist words, and distort meanings, led to seemingly endless feuds with other politicians, and the media.
  • Equanimous - In full control of your faculties during a crisis. This could also be described as cold, unfeeling, insensitive....the list goes on. His apparent lack of emotion could be problematic in terms of relations with other countries. A certain amount of empathy is required, as president, to solve problems equitably, especially when they involve people from other religions and cultures. Again, look at the immigration ban of January 2017, when thousands of U.S. visitors were displaced and stranded.
  • Temperamental - Gets angry easily, or changes from one mood to another very quickly. This is a given. Simply watch the presidential debates, any of his press conferences, or read his endless stream of angry tweets. Trump lacks any degree of self control, hardly a trait one wants in their president.
  • Aggressive - Characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives. Simply read about his past business dealings at home and abroad, and see the way he forced his will on whoever stood in his way in order to make his ventures a success. I'm also wondering if the infamous Trump tape of 2005 would qualify him as aggressive....hmmmm you think? "I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there, and she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything." "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women] - I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
In Conclusion

Again, I am no psychologist, but I must say, the evidence that Donald Trump is a sociopath is pretty compelling, to say the least. I guess the real point of concern is what does this say about his supporters? The phrases "birds of a feather flock together" and "great minds think alike" come to mind to describe a very scary contingent of Trump supporters who could not see through his shady sales pitches and deceptive promises. For all of you who think Trump is the problem, you're wrong. Trump is simply a symptom of an infectious virus sweeping America called paranoid xenophobic delusional racism. A virus which his supporters don't even realize they have, and even if they did, would no doubt see it as a problem that doesn't require their attention. Until the attitudes of his supporters change....good luck with that....the prospects of "Making America Great Again" seem slim at best.
Additional Reading