This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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- A general update for the month. We apparently came in contact with some type of poison oak within the last couple of weeks. A lot of scratching and lotions and took about two weeks for this to get better. We put in a call to the city about maintain the public access road to the property and to pick up trash which we collected and put at the beginning of the city road. The answer was okay about picking up the trash but a no about maintaining the road which currently can only be accessed using a four wheel drive vehicle. A week after the call and still the trash was not picked up....typical island procrastination.
- Worked at the campsite basically burning a lot of understory trees cut during previous trips. Got a visit from the manager of the adjacent park who was wondering who was working on land he thought was publicly owned. The banana tree was untouched by the deer. We put a bunch of sweet potato vines, unplanted, to see if the deer would eat them.
- Came up with a crazy idea today. The campsite is going to double as a kind of amphitheater for small concerts with an audience of up to 50 people. We began taking out understory trees for this purpose. The natural slope of the terrain is perfect for this. Work at the campsite once again included burning a lot of previously cut understory trees. A fire was made over the proposed tent site to get rid of roots and any ant colonies. The banana tree and the sweet potato vines were untouched by the deer.
- A lot of work on the campsite today. More soil removed from the tent area and another fire over an unwanted tree stump using termite infested wood. Another attempt at making a trail to the public walkway which leads to a bathroom and found a huge boulder. A large piece was split off (forgot to take a picture) and rolled it all the way to the campsite. Makes a great chair. A bit more work on the parking area.
- A crazy day up in the mountains. We were in between a couple of tropical storms and the weather forecast called for cloudy skies and a 25% chance of rain which they changed to 40% later in the day. Anyway, looking at the radar map and being the weather geek that I am, I was sure it was going to rain....and it did, a lot. The family was huddled in the back of the truck for a couple of hours while I was out cutting understory trees in the pouring rain. Anyway, we really thinned out the original campsite close to the parking area. We are planning to move the brown farm bus up to this campsite to be used for sleeping and for storage of things we would need to continuously bring up there like the tent, sleeping bags, BBQ equipment, and tools.
- The tropical storm was now north of the island and we decided to head up to the mountains once again. The forecast was for a lot of wind but there was a moderate breeze at best. A partly cloudy beautiful day. We spent the entire day working on the parking area and the adjacent campsite.
- Today was all about the campsite close to the entry. The mountain was soaked from a week of rain and burning the leaves was difficult but worked out okay. Getting much closer to being able to camp up there and finish up with the day trips. Walked to the public bathroom which took about ten minutes each way. The road to get there is full of weeds though.
- Another soaked day up in the mountains. Spent a few hours with a hand hoe and rake and got rid of the weeds on the city road from the agroforest entry to the public walking road. Now easy access to the public bathroom from the campsite. A bit more work on the campsite and the parking area. Found a bird nest and was able to listen to deer sounds. Was a very tiring day though.
- Much of today was spent working on the campsite. Possibly first day to see a worst bee. Yuk.
- Today was all about making an access road from the parking area to the campsite in order to move the bus up there. A lot of trees were removed and now we are ready for camping.
- We went camping for the first time on our mountain. The stay was for three days and two nights. Day one was all about getting set up. All of us drove up in the truck except Akiko who drove our recently converted brown farm bus which will now serve as a tent and storage space. We set up the tent and small table and enjoyed our first night at the mountains. The second day was spent removing all the trees we cut to make room for the campsite. The third day was spent mostly on the parking area and repositioning the bus. We put up all the keep out notices. Still getting over the second round of poison oak and stubbed my little toe on a small tree chunk. The kids had a really good time and all of us are making plans to move up there.

Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-1.
Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.