This is a story about an international couple raising and home educating three young boys in Japan, while dealing with climate, cultural, and personal challenges. These pages are about pretty much anything and everything all guided by our family motto, Taking Chances, Making Changes, Being Happy. Thank you very much for joining us on our ongoing adventure.

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- This was overnight trip number 12 with this trip lasting for four days and three nights. The first day was spent cutting the last poison oak trees from around the campsite....somewhere between six and eight trees. The bow saw was used to cut this as opposed to the chain saw to avoid getting the oil from the trees on the chain and in the saw. The trees were then burned with this project lasting into the second day, and after lunch on the same day, oak and cypress trees in the parking area were removed. A bunch of pictures were taken but did not store on the phone. The third day a bunch of cypress trees were removed from the campsite along with the two huge oak trees. This opened up the canopy and let in alot of sunlight. The next day a few trees along the road were removed including a few pretty huge oak trees. After this trip was a bit miserable with poison oak on arms and balls. This was the third time dealing with poison oak rash. We plan to keep most of the trees on the mountain but the oak trees simply needed to be cut in order to open up the canopy and let sunlight into the campsite. These two oak trees had trunk diameters of about 50 centimeters. The cypress (hinoki and sugi) trees cut will be used as practice for debarking and notching in preparation for a future log cabin.

Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-1.
Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.
- This was a day trip since Akiko had to renew her drivers license. The trip was spent mostly processing the already finished cypress trees which were cut over the last few months. These will be used as firewood and possibly for animal enclosures someday.

Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-1.
Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.
- This was overnight trip number 13 and was only for two days and one night. The entire trip was spent getting the previously cut oak trees off the road and cutting the canopies and stacking the wood neatly off to the side and along the road. It rained a little on the second day but dried out in the afternoon.

Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-1.
Picture - Mountain - Us about to return home picture-2.